What does the "F." stand for in the name F. Lee Bailey?
Correct answer: Francis

Most lawyers are crooks so it not surprising that most politicians were/are

Player #664575
i I only two politicians personally. both are pretty shady as are most politicians out of necessity. attorneys seem to be Shady by choice. they don't fight for their clients they fight for publicity and they fight only too beat the opposing attorney. the combination of a lawyer politician is not only Shady but can be scary

Player #836707
AFmedic, they believe that they know the law., that they are above the law by finding holes in the system!

I love this game!

Player #1961991
wow he was crooked

that's a lot of money for attorney fees that's b*******

Player. Ty
He's a dirt bag! A Loophole Lawyer.👿

Shady dealings, much like the defendants he represented.

Christine ~ RN
FibrousGauntlet5, I was a jury member at the malpractice trial of a neurosurgeon recently. The attorney for the plaintiff did an amazing job of representing his client. The plaintiff was permanently injured. The attorney was from Pittsburgh. This attorney is a hard working, honorable and compassionate man. It is ridiculous to lump all people of a certain profession, class, religion, race , ethnic background together.

Dumb to give letters…. Waaay too easy!

Giggle Pig
Player #664575, I only disagree with the out of necessity part of your comment. They don’t have to be shady, they choose to be.

“F” was a good choice

Player. Ty, $5.9 million in attorney fees ?Mwahahaha

Christine ~ RN, So true!

my parents had a band. they played one of F. Lee Bailey's house parties.

i once worked for a pilot who was good friends with the Flee and they did some serious partying and womanizing!!

I don't care for defense lawyers as a profession. By my observation, they lie for a living, and make lucrative careers out of helping guilty men avoid justice.

My godfather. I have access to his files, very interesting reading

AFmedic, what a thoughtful and well founded statement.

AFmedic, I know for attorneys who are very nice and helpful people but they're definitely not trucks and they're not rich.

Flower Lady
crazycatlady6658, which episode?

Guillermo Jr.
crazycatlady6658, you are correct.. never knew!

Guillermo Jr.
"...lighten up Francis."
- Sgt. "big toe" Hulka..

AFmedic, most lawyers are not Crooks the same as most people are not Crooks

ive met a felix fredrix and fulton so not a fan of this question

Zell. I am a female
he didn't like his first name. Actually I can't blame him

AFmedic, you said it man!!

dangit! Shouldve gone with my first thought lol

I don't know if anyone knows this but Bailey guest starred on the original Star Trek.

should have gone with my first instinct

Player #237333
l agree