What jazz singer was the song "Angel of Harlem" about?
Correct answer: Billie Holiday

Billie is an icon

it's too bad she didn't win any awards when she was alive. The strange fruit of her labor still hangs.

love Billie Holiday's music!

Player #1111308
I love Billy Holiday's songs. Though she had a sad life and tragic death. I think Diana Ross and Billy D. William was great in the movie, " Lady Sings The Blues

Player #2338509
U2 actually just went up a knotch

I loved that movie

i almost didnt recognize Bono without his glasses and with that smile.

Player #1120912
Player GayleP, offensive title? What rock do you live under? Billie holiday as an icon!

Love the movie

U2 have probably never heard of Bessie Smith!

why didn't they explanation mention her being targetted by the
FBI and her death handcuffed to a hospital bed, because of her politically fuelled rendition of 'Strange Fruit' which she continued to sing when told not to be the FBI. Billie was a Hero and an inspiration.

(strange fruits)she was a true legend terrible story her life

Player #28154340
Rattle and Hum was both live and studio

Did you know, that Diana Ross wore Bille Holidays Blue crush velvet dress in the video of her 1976 hit , The Eyes can tell ,which got to number 4 in hit parade in England .

ugh, not a u2 fan

Player leola777
Joker, ò

Fave song maybe even of all time {What a little moonlight can do}

SafeExterminator29, Maybe they are waiting for you to answer it correctly. Just kidding you.

RealCoolOne, That’s what I thought, as I read the message about her.

SharingCity, So is Diana Ross, who played her. :)

Player GayleP, uninformed and ignorant