What does Amoco stand for?
Correct answer: American Oil Company

this is great to see. I am a native of Northwest Indiana. The Amoco plant what is about 40 minutes from me. Several people I went to high school with still work there under the BP contract now

same idea with Chevron. they used to be labelled Standard Stations or Chevron Dealers. I think the Standard ones were company-owned, with the Chevron Franchiseed. now they are all branded as Chevron. (but kept a few Standard signs to keep the trademark!)

Player Raving Lu
MastrBlastr55, At least here in Las Vegas Nevada The Sinclair dinosaur is making a comeback.

johnnyzoom7, that was the base of a torch. the flame was above it.

ToniO98923, my father worked at that Standard Oil/Amoco refinery for 3 decades. Crazy stuff in this game!

ExxonMobil stations were Esso stations previously. The name comes from S.O. which is Standard Oil

Player Raving Lu
MastrBlastr55, The Sinclair dinosaur is making a comeback. I've been seeing it again on the signs of Sinclair gas stations for approximately the last six years.

wow I'll have more appreciation next time I'm driving home as I see it regularly here in the Lou!! learned something AGAIN! on QL

Player #38618593
Wasn't Standard Oil "ESSO" (S. O.) at some point?

I went to grade school in Whiting.

Player Raving Lu, I've not seen a Sinclair gas station in decades.

Player Raving Lu, that's good to know. I grew up with the Sinclair dinosaur. One year they were giving dinosaur shaped soap as a promotion. It sat on top of my dresser for about 2 years when it crumbled away.😪

Player Raving Lu
dumdum, It was originally Amoco and American ownef than BP purchased Amoco now it's British owned.

repeat repeat

Guy-z #9967681
dumdum, Middle East

This is good to know

it's true I'm from the Lou. hidden secrets still live.

dumdum, Good question, I too would like to know.

SAcookiee65, I grew up in Hammond and recall that the Whiting refinery had a fire in the 1950s. Huge billows of black smoke could be seen for miles.

I live in St. Louis, that sign is a site to see!

got it

SAcookiee65, I'm from Northwest Indiana.

That's why I love this game.