When was King Tutankhamen's Tomb discovered?
Correct answer: 1922

The editors so enjoyed to prepare the commentary...
They just forgot to give the details on when, who and how discovered it...and all the interesting stories. Bravo...

He died of an infection/sepsis from a broken leg and pelvis he obtained during a chariot race. He was not murdered. And, his tomb was never raided. It was sealed and untouched prior to archaeologist Howard Carter and his team discovering it. However, the tomb was cursed for all who disturbed it, and it is speculated that the curse was the cause for the numerous amounts of sudden deaths of the excavation team shortly after the tomb’s discovery.

Was discovered by the British archeologist Howard Carter in the kings valley

ARTY6164 Steve Martin is King Tut

Gary, no, he died of sepsis from a broken femur. No antibiotics until after WWII, so any infection was a death sentence.
His tomb remained mostly untouched for 2 reasons:
1) His father was considered a heretic, so everything related to him was scratched out of record, including his son and stepmother.
2) His tomb was at the bottom of the Valley of the Kings. Because water has to find equilibrium, the many rainstorms in past 3,000 years drew water and other debris to the bottom of the Valley. No one thought to look there until Carter mapped out the entire Valley and that was in the final grid.

Pyramids were used long before Tutankhamun's reign. Had they the time, he would have been interred in a much larger and more grandiose underground tomb in The Valley of the Kings. Which most likely would have been plundered.

ARTY6164, I did a pretty extensive research paper ( years ago ) and all I could think of - To answer this question- was
" Born in Arizona, Moved to Babalonia, King Tut "
Steve's The Best !! :-)

Grumpy Fossil, no chariot race. They believe it may have been in a war, or skirmish. He died away from home, which is why his heart was missing from his body.
Although the priests who mummified Pharoahs took internal organs out and put them in canopic jars, the heart was always left so that it could be judged in the afterlife. If the heart weighed more than a feather, the Pharoah was not granted eternal life and his spirit died.
Tut Ankh Amun's heart was missing from his body, so there was a heart emblem buried with him instead.

Tut Ankh Amun's REAL name was Tut Ankh Aten, or "The Living Image of the Midday Sun", as his father, Ankh En Aten, worshipped ONLY the midday sun, or Aten. He was the first person in known history to have been a monotheistic, worshipping a single God. Now it's common practice.

Shellback, you are correct. Because Pharoahs had much bigger tombs and all hallways veered left for makes and right for females, I believe he is buried in his stepmother, Queen Nefertiti's tomb and her final resting place is behind the North wall of his tomb.

Soleil10001, RIGHT...?!! I just read the question detail twice, and I thought, 'okay... so, King Tut was his name... Mhmm... Egyptian pharaoh, mhmm... Wait, where is "1922"? Where is Carter Hughes?'... Very enjoyable indeed! 😂

and then several people died shortly after including Howard Carter which brought about the myth of the curse.. which was likely the air quality and a series of circumstances

B Dog
Now when I die
Don’t think I’m a nut;
Don’t want no fancy funeral
Just one like ol’ King Tut!! 😂

Beth, most of this updated info Beth, has been disproved with New DNA genetic testing 😉

I don't know why Steve Martin said he was born in Arizona, but the lyrics are
He coulda won a Grammy, (King Tut)
Buried in his jammies
Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia
He was born in Arizona, got a condo made of stone-a
King Tut!
I'm on level 123

if tutankamen were still alive he would be furious at being called tut.he was young when he was crowned but still a Pharoah. people have no respect
. I know I sound like Rodney dangerfield but it's true. I don't much respect either.

Pau Pau
Beth, very informative! You did better than the editorial team😊

mostly incorrect information, shocked how bad

RockNRollMama82, Lord Canarvan wasn't in the best of health to begin with. I've studied King Tut and The Great Howard Carter on and off my whole life. So fascinating. The curse is nothing but a fungus that grew on the inner walls. Called Aspirgilus Niger. A woman in modern times died from it after visiting that tomb. Weird huh??

Player #13023389
I remember this question from another game I have. Debby

Player Gigi #28446253
RockNRollMama82, Mama, you have some pretty good info. Thanks for sharing!

CrayC 13
Beth, thanks for relating that info

Grumpy Fossil, you are correct. Newspapers were the Twitter of their time, with many editions coming out daily. Editors were tasked with coming up with headlines to sell said papers. Not all headlines were true. Especially the one about the tomb being cursed.

Beth, no curse. That's just a myth.
Lord Canarvan, the man who financed Carter, died of an infected mosquito bite. Remember, this was BEFORE antibiotics. A few other people died, but most who entered his tiny tomb lived regular lives

Soleil10001, lol...and the New Kingdom didn't build Pyramids!!!

Player #12916800
Jad , juju

Beth, you must be a student of Egyptology.

Player #5100533
Lizzi, Don't pay attention to the pictures that come with the questions. They're rarely a clue.

Player #5100533
Player #8830801, I suggest that you play something more your speed, such as Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Or, Go Fish.

To J.Wintergreen Congratulations I just about last test. be proud of yourself, it's hard to get there.CONGRADULATIONS.

it's amazing with all the grave robbing in the valley of the kings his remained virtually untouched and is probably the richest tomb of them all. and he was only 19 when he died which strong evidence is he was most likely murdered.

Soleil10001, Totally agree with you there! Happily you and I both know that the story, Don't we. Or the story that is generally accepted as true.