Harare is the capital of which country?
Correct answer: Zimbabwe

, yes but did you know that it was formally known as Rhodesia

Paul Haidet
Harare, Zimbabwe, was featured on the 2018 season of The Amazing Race!

Zimbabwe my birth country,, with most corrupting government,,Zanu pf ruling party under Munangagwa Dambudzo

Republic of Taiwan
Kigali is capital of Rwanda
Asmara is capital of Eritrea
Windhoek is capital of Namibia
(If Nambia should be Zambia, then Lusaka is capital of (Zambia))

Leighton Vander
i just know the Capital because of the commercial of cereal here in the philippines

Player #44468081
Player #7106191, it was actually known as Southern Rhodesia, before it became just Rhodesia and then Zimbabwe.

Mankaran Singh Chugh
That was an easy question for me. Someone of my country could easily know that because we Indians are obsessed with cricket and as children we saw cricketers like Heath Streak,Andy flower,Henry Olanga,Grant flower so we came to know a lot about their culture,region by googling it. though now cricket in Zimbabwe is struggling due to Robert mgabwe's policy of racial selection and more soft corner for Black cricketers thus leading to favoritism and inequality in sports

Chuckysbac54, no the country was Rhodesia

Nambia? Do you mean Zambia or Namibia?