Which US TV mom wore a string of pearls around her neck in almost every episode of the show?
Correct answer: Barbara Billingsley (Leave It to Beaver)

Player #2445171
I’ll never forget her in “Airplane” when she tells the flight attendant, “Excuse me, but I speak jive.” 😂

When mom stayed home to watch the house and kids there were a lot less hoodlums on this world.

Greeny Froggy
Loved it. I was 8 when it went off the air. I can still hear June say “ (sigh)Oh Beaver” and “Well, you just wait till your father gets home!”

The era it took place just made sense to me

I loved that show. Good family values. Miss that nowadays.

great show. I still wear pearls today.

I just thought she looked like the classiest mom ever!

Player #3363793
that was a time when we had real loving mothers and well dressed moms.

Player :: SQinfoNUTS
Worth watching for production values. These people had art in the home and in one later episode June is listening to opera

Had the worst crush on Wally

Virg, Pearls are NEVER out of date. Pearls are everywhere, always, especially among classy women.

pearls are out of date

Player #2445171,
apparently she wasn't that straight laced speaking jive and hanging out with black ppl wasn't the typical thing that most suburban ppl did back in the day hahaha 😂

I remember reading that on line. I LOVED Leave it to Beaver and I watched it today. Iconic shows never die.

Gardenhoe:), he was an upstanding cool guy!!! he's actually still a great looking fella, has aged well.

JimmyLovesQL, Right. Raising a child means teaching a child. Teachable moments happen at random. If you're not there, the moment is lost. It's how morality is instilled, bit by bit.

Player #118103951
Billingsley said she wore the necklace to cover a deep indentation just above where her collarbones met. Lighting it was difficult because she'd have a shadow there that was distracting.

there is a risque joke there but I won't go there

Player #3363793, Not all moms of the era were loving. Mine was, but some were anything but loving.

Player #2445171,
apparently she had stepped out on Ward with someone from the other side of the track back in the day in order to speak jive hahaha 😆

They didn't have as much fun as I did growing up I stayed outside building treehouses and ball games with my friends while mom cooked real food..my mom was our pearl!

Waldo Lydeker
The creators of the show, Bob Mosher and Joe Connelly, had a flair for capturing the adult-children dynamic as evidenced by their Oscar-nominated story for "The Private War of Major Benson", probably the only comedy Charlton Heston ever made, 3 years before "Beaver."

Our local station runs Leave it to Beaver , 2 episodes every morning. My 13 year old son loves it.

Player #66817220
JimmyLovesQL, and more kids had polio. What's your point? Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Player #46791793
Player #38618593, no there isn't but the fact of two earner households becoming the norm since the 1970's is the problem, not which parent it is that stays home.

Player #2445171, wow! I never even knew that! I'll have to watch that scene again.

Player #38618593
JimmyLovesQL, Oh really? Is there any reason why dad cannot watch the house and kids?

Gardenhoe:), he got even better looking as he aged! Have you seen him these days? He’s quite the hunk!

LJ, I voted for Donna Reed. I remember her as a child wearing pearls.

Player #28286531
The best written show in regards to how children think and react. Gold.

Player #32121752
actually she wore pearls to hide a flaw on her neck. As an adult I enjoy the give and take between June and Ward. Great show.

Player #2077554, Not true. I read an article about her and it said that she was self conscious about a deep hollow place in her neck and she was the one who insisted in wearing pearls.

David J. Reichlin
MetalDrummer41036, i still like the beaver

Player Diver Dan
Player #18390045,
Ward (Hugh Beaumont) was a hopeless alcoholic.

Player #18390045
Eddy Haskell became a Police Officer and Ward in real life was a Preacher. A very good show with high morals!

I still prefer to drink milk from a wine goblet

Lightning 11
Player #2077554, It was to cover a mark. She said so in more than one interview

Lightning 11
My favorite show of all time...the best. Regarding the pearls, Barbara actually wore them to cover up a slight mark on her neck that she was self conscious about.

Player #23366704
Uninitialized, absolutely!!

Player #23366704
Hoplea, thanks for the info.