How did the Guillotine get its name?
Correct answer: It is named after Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin

why do they remove people's comment? someone will reply to a comment, but I can't find that person anywhere

tystyx, yes, the brain still does register sight and sound, but the nerves along the spinal cord have been severed and therefore no pain could be felt, even though the brain may be sending signals, there are no nerves to relay those signals along the spinal cord and into their respective endings.

Player Elf Counsel
RushMama2112, When I was in Paris we were told that after the revolution the cattle would not cross the Place de Revolution where the guillotine stood (now la Place de la Concord) because of the smell of blood.

Additional information of this question is so interesting!

Sully Girl
Tobias my question exactly? I enjoy reading the comments as much as the given information. Even the controversial comments, im a firm believer in freedom of speech. I find i learn a lot and am often driven to research a topic, especially if the comment are conflicting

Player #8258475
RushMama2112,Its also a myth that it was a French invention and that he invented it. He merely recommended the use of a fairly common decapitation machine to the French National Assembly as a 'gentler' method of execution. They took their inspiration from the Halifax Gibbet first recorded in use in 1286 Yorkshire. Scotland also used one called The Maiden. They were also in use in Ireland and Italy.

Cha Cha
Tobias, Frustrating 😬

Player #9442102
constantgamer0421, I think this would be the most horrifying thing to witness and even worst way to die.

the English had it first

Mars V
Tobias, I think they don’t like the replies so they delete their own comments.

Tobias, some comments are copied over from another quiz and some are not

constantgamer0421, but how do you know 🙄

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #9442102, except at an Alice Cooper concert.

Player #8258475, you are correct the gibbet was the first to be invented and used.

Tobias, I’ve noticed that on a few occasions

Cavan Hab
Ciao,I work with a guillotine,we use it for making products for the baking industry primarily from cardboard sheets.You have to be careful as they can be dangerous if not handled safely!

RushMama2112,... As it says in the information...

Tobias, I don't know, and I would like to know also... frustrating....,🥴

Tobias, I experienced a glitch with the app and my comment history was erased (a few times). Wasn't yet contacted about a resolve. Guessing that might be happening to others!?

Fun guy
so Halifax gibbet or Antoine St Louis ? who invented it, should be more info about this.

...didn't have to guess...

And it's a myth that he was executed via his invention.