What country offered Albert Einstein its presidency in 1952?
Correct answer: Israel

LUÍS REVEZ (3), I think you'll find it was created by the UN, not the allies.

All Countries are " artificially" created. Hence, the birth of the Nation State. Peoples and groups, either ethnically the same or diverse, have moved in nomadic bands populating the planet save for Antarctica to a lesser degree.
Australian Aboriginals and Native Americans among many indigenous peoples share a better view where we are take- carers of the land.
The Balfour Declaration was instrumental in securing a Jewish Homeland. The Jewish people may claim Israel as their ancestral home. The Canaan peoples who were displaced may have felt otherwise.
Nothing lasts forever. Even our Sun will die one day. I often reflect on Lennon's "Imagine" and wish humanity could share this planet and its resources like Good Samaritans, all.

A Country artificially created after the II War, by the allies, in a muslim territory!