Sometimes referred to as 'the Crypt', St. Mary Undercroft is a chapel in which London landmark?

Correct answer: Palace of Westminster

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
I was taught that the Palace of Westminster and the Houses of Parliament are the same building, just different names .
Paramananda dasa
Paramananda dasa
houses of parliament & palace of Westminster are the same building !! so you should research your questions thoroughly to make sure their correct !!
Duff question - the Palace of Westminster IS the Houses of Parliament!
Player #Meg
Player #Meg
Stevie shouldn't have relied on Wikipedia. They're definitely the same building, different names.
Houses of Parliament are located within the Palace of Westminster.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
SloaneRanger2019, You’ll probably find that MPsclaim office expenses for their office in the Houses of Parliament,and oh, by the way I have an office in the Palace of Westminster. And of course travel expenses between the two