Which physical phenomenon is utilized for generating electricity from solar cells?
Correct answer: Photovoltaic effect

Hey, just be happy we have electricity! I can't imagine not having air conditioning... or, having to carry a candle around for your only light source!

Player kece, I wouldn't know how to cheat on this because it's timed and I'm not fast enough to get the answer. And even if I could, I wouldn't

Player #4165600
Player kece, How can people cheat?!? There's not enough time to Google the answers. Don't be a bad sport

missy189, I live in Florida so air conditioning is a must! When I was young we didn't have A/C but I can't imagine not having it now. 😰

I have written so many essays and reports on this while at uni, that I would have to shoot myself if I got this one wrong.

Player Elf Council
missy189, With our unbelievably long hot summer here in Queensland we wouldn't be without our solar system. We even need it on at night.

Never heard of this before but I went with my gut and got it right!.... again!! 😁

Krylonvision, no but i read tht they are making a protype for a flying car

CoastalHippo6263, who will be giving tickets or "FUIs" for those pilots?

Player #4165600, I believe you can buy unlimited time to answer questions.

Ariesman , is that why they don't have the world's "hot" deserts co erex in them?

nice 👍

Dieu linh
Tao va quoia

Player #19425437
GrandmaTanya, Gut feelings often work !!

missy189, that's progress, God given progress. all concentrated into the last 150yrs! Before then it was candles and moonlight, hence the Romantic Songs.....

OptimstAchievements, I would love to be able to buy an electric car but unfortunately I don't have the finances.

I’ve never heard of the Photovoltaic Effect, but the photo part was what gave it away

Krylonvision, I plug in my electric Chevy Volt every night and I buy solar and wind power from the grid. When I went for my Tesla test drive, they offered me solar panels for my home electricity if I wanted to get some.
Their long glass light sensitive roof is gorgeous. I wouldn’t feel the need to lug the panels around with me. The subfloor batteries makes passing so easy, my volt flies by and I drive with a feeling of great stability. Maybe you owe it to the planet and our grandkids to buy, lease, or at least test drive one of the hundreds of electric cars (Tesla, VW, Honda, GM, Mustang, Kia, BMW, Audi etc) out there! Fun!

Player #29782405
Great job 🤠🤠🤠

Krylonvision, flying cars have been feasable since the 80s.faa doesnt want them.air traffic control nightmare.

It's an easy one..

That's a little harse.

Mrs.Tommy Koulax

It's 2018 and we don't have solar cars yet. Somebody lied to me.