Which hormone causes cells to take up glucose from the blood?
Correct answer: Insulin

Player #158499, just cause we aren't in the medical field does not mean we are all dumb.... I did not get this correct but love learning these things!! Don't know about everyone else but i play these games to learn all this stuff!!! You're lucky you already do!!!

Player dbwolf
My grandson was diagnosed at 4 with type 1 diabetes. He is 6 now but it's been a scary road and we all have to pay close attention every hour of every day to keep him alive. This was an awesome answer to this question. Love this game, always learning new things :)

I don’t think the non medical field public should be underestimated. For one, if you like this game, you’re interested in factual information. Second, I’m an LVN and even my children know the human body very well.

Player #2160135, yes, but at 62 I've forgotten a lot of what I once knew.

Player #1232067
In case no one else pointed it out: once glucose gets into cells it is only built (anabolized) into glycogen or fat IF the cell does not need it for energy. If the cells needs energy the glucose is immediately broken down (catabolized) for the energy!

zoleen g
Excellent thank you interesting explanation

knew the answer right off I suffer with type 2 Diabetes. it's a "beast"

I have been hospitalized with pancreatitis three times, in the past couple of years. I think I'm lucky that my blood glucose levels are normal, so far no chance of contracting diabetes

Player Eeyore
I had better have gotten it correct. I'm a former RN and a Type II diabetic. It's nice to have an easy one accasionally.

This was easy for me, a type 1 diabetic. My body produces absolutely no insulin.

Thanks for wonderful information

Steve Galaxy
I Don't Know What My Brains Contains but i Answer this Correct without guessing just my brain said

Alex green
Insulin is meaning in from language of Latin.


I hate you too 😭

K9Queen , it's free in UK

Ziela1313, I'm diabetic so I learned about insulin the hard way!

Although I knew the answer, my brain just couldn't come up with it. Brain fog, I guess. I felt a little silly at seeing the answer.
For all diabetics, you are in my prayers. I'm working hard to keep my body in the pre-diabetic stage.

lynsey, Type 2 diabetes can be control with diet and exercises. Try cutting down on simple carbs,

Chel, I'm sorry to hear that, I'll keep your mom in my prayers, I lost my mom to cancer 6 yrs ago

Zimmy Zimberg
AwesomeAnnie7, (1) I'm sorry to hear of memory loss. (2) I'm 65 and have memory, recall and confusion issues... so you've made me feel better and more normal. (3) May you, me and others in umm... err.... older midlife, enjoy good health - including good (enough) memory! ;-)

Smarty 🤓
I don't know about this!!!!!

the easiest way is to use google

good question ⁉️

How I wish I was a science student 😍🤣

I am read about it in 9th class

I am in fifth class and I don't have any idea that was written

That question was so hard.

K9Queen , and when they reduced prices so seniors could pay for them, the companies jacked up prices of other meds. they make it sound like they're the nice guys, helping with seniors' health costs. but in fact, they're just spreading their robbery to others that are just as dependant on their meds.

Smokey 84
Ziela1313, I play this game for the same reason. And the laughs I get from so many comments is the icing on the cake. Never stop learning.

I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic, so this answer explained a lot for me and I found it very interesting. Thanks!

my science exam is tmrrw n am answering this now🫢

Cat Mom
Player dbwolf, Type 1 is the worst kind! It starts at childhood & lasts the rest of their life! I pray that we'll one day find a cure, for all, but especially for the children!

very useful 😃

do you ever got diabetes

I'm going to be a science test when I'm older

Chel, I'm so sorry 😞

SeventhAverage4, Good for you 👍

Sadie Lynn
Yep, I knew this one, because unfortunately, I've been Type 1 diabetic since I was very young.

SeventhAverage4, you can't "contract" diabetes in any form. It's not a flu. You can "develop" diabetes. I hope you don't.