What does the organization 'EXIT International' promote the use of?

Correct answer: Euthanasia

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What people think about it: 36 Comments
I absolutely agree with the good doctor. We help our beloved pets to a pain-free end, don't we? it's only archaic religious thinking that won't allow this.
Lady V
Lady V
EV777, You've obviously never seen someone you love suffer for years. You probably never experienced the hopeless feeling of watching a loved one cry in pain, withering away. There's nothing sacred about it, don't confuse mercy with murder.
constantgamer0421, hospice workers are angels.
EV777, By all means follow your own faith but do not vote for your government to force your beliefs on those who do not share them. Government is a weapon; wielding guns and imprisonment. When did Jesus ever say to force others to accept his teachings?
PowerfulRaven93312, a This is one of very few subjects that infuriates me! Why are we kinder to our pets than or people?!?
Player Elf Counsel, If individuals believe they will go to hell if they end their lives peacefully, then they don't have to do it. It is not their right to impose their beliefs in others! Ignorance abounds!!!!!
Player Elf Counsel, Forcing one's beliefs on others is a bit insane. If someone believes they are suppose to suffer and welcomes it, then, well, good for them. But, DON'T impose your beliefs on others!!!!
Player #1489294
Player #1489294
EV777, Animal MDs are kinder that human docs.
NobleYak13000, You are so right...having a physician's certification helps to prevent hasty, emotional decisions that people might be prone to make.
Gary, Wrong. Are you serious? If you were terminally ill and in severe pain, you would pray for as end that would be more peaceful.
I've recently been diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment, which in time will turn into full blown dementia. Euthanasia isn't legal in my state. I plan to head up to Oregon when it gets close to time.
I’m quite passionate about this topic, and agree that one persons view shouldn’t force another from a peaceful, dignified exit. We give our beloved pets this grace, humanity deserves better.
loco, no, but it’s still considered murder!
B Dog
B Dog
I agree. “Regardless of sickness or permission from the medical profession”. Assisted, reliable suicide should not be limited to whoever is judged to be sufficiently terminally ill, it should be an option for any of us who are just plain sick of living in a world full of dickbags.
KayBBB1, he didn’t but his followers did!
I have a Living Will that states I do not want kept alive if in horrible health. We should have the right to end our lives when ill.
I don't understand what the difference is between helping a terminally ill person to end their suffering quietly and as peacefully as possible vs stopping life support on a person deemed "brain dead". The person that is brain dead is feeling no pain and can no longer make decisions for themselves, yet we choose to end their body's life for them. However, the terminally ill person cannot choose for themselves to stop their pain with assisted suicide. It makes no sense to me.
Xalver, that was my thought. Exit Realty may believe in assisted dying, but not their first goal!
The one thing I've always found odd about this issue is that the right to life crowd are against it despite that the right to life should also include the right to end your own life on your own terms.
Player #16702581
Player #16702581
UnhingedCaptain356, no matter how weak you have more strength than u know. I have wanted to be done many times. my Lord suffered greatly. I will also.
Player #16702581
Player #16702581
Mark, I noticed the same. maybe it is death by mortgage.
Player #16702581
Player #16702581
when my mom was in hospital for cancer they stopped giving her the cancer meds and just kept upping the morphine dose. they called it comfort care..ok so realized while commenting that this still irritates me. sry venting.
Player #16702581
Player #16702581
wow there is a real estate company where I live with strikingly similar graphic.
Player #8937977
Player #8937977
Jo, No, you're right. I rebuilt a shabby one for a very kind lady into a beautiful decked & flowered place that the terminal folks could live out their lives in dignity. They thanked me.
The picture is the registered logo for Exit Realty, an American real estate company.
Exit is a real estate that promotes the sale of real estate properties and the logo you showed was a Real estate sign..
PowerfulRaven93312, I totally agree! It's insanity and cruel.
Player #1489294, The laws prevent doctors that care from ending a terminally ill patients life who are in severe pain. It must be horrible for the doctor who legally can't help his patients.
Frito77, He was a bit looney but a necessity. Someone had to have the guts to start the process of end of life for terminally ill people in pain sanity.
me, Yes, I understand that someone has to live in the state for a minimum of 6 months before they can partake in the euthanasia offered there.
Lady V, I absolutely agree. It's an unnecessary nightmare!
PowerfulRaven93312, My mother had a super long battle with MS, If in her shoes I would have seeked a holistic method to be out of physical misery. My mother was a trooper, hard worker, she thankfully is no longer having to be spoon fed. I think she's an enthusiastic bird of some sort or a cheetah.
PowerfulRaven93312, totally.
PowerfulRaven93312, Our pets don't choose it we choose it for them. Most people that are for euthanasia wouldn't choose it for themselves but it does seem easier to say it's alright for others where nothing personal is at stake.
only God should have the authority to say when a life ends. anything else would be a sin in His eyes. those that help those make that journey will also be held accountable. I know it's hard to watch loved ones suffer but His grace is sufficient.
nimblemoon, I tried suicide when I was 16 and my foster parents found me on the bathroom floor. They called an ambulance and I was revised in the hospital. I was in a coma for 4 days!! I would never try again cause it hurts your loved ones so much. I have a kitty, Missylou, and I wouldn't leave her for ANYTHING!! We need each other so much!!