What is the Cancer Moonshot?

Correct answer: An initiative to find a cure for cancer

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
MatteusMaximus, There has already been a cure found for cardiac (heart) disease! The Doctor that found the cure received a Nobel for it... however, he was not allowed to publish his findings because of the pressure he received from all the multi billion dollar pharmaceutical companies! The Nobel was given to 3 doctors (shared) for the discovery of the Nitrous Oxide Cell found in our own bodies!!! The Nobel was given in 1998. Read closely how the writers of the awards were told to write the information so that no one would be able to sue the pharmaceutical companies!!! I would not this if I had not been in the medical field myself and especially the cardiology department.
Syn, a terrifying number of exclamation marks in this comment. Why are you shouting????
I hope for all of us that have lost mothers, sisters, fathers, sons, sisters and brothers to cancer that God or science comes up with a cure one day and for those that are suffering and those that have survived god bless you, your carers and your family
gobledygook, Clinical trials are usually only offered to patients who have no other options. They know going in that it’s a shot in the dark, but whether it works or not, the doctors learn something.
Player #19422400
Player #19422400
Syn, nitrous oxide is an anaesthetic. The nobel prize was given in 1998 for discoveries about nitric oxide. I wouldn't buy into big pharma conspiracy theories. They usually don't make a whole lot of sense if you think about thrm critically.
I'm not sure all the fault or blame can be placed on the pharmaceutical companies. Just consider how difficult it's been to gain approval for medical use of marijuana. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence, it's been "like pulling teeth" to get the authorities to allow folks to avail themselves of the benefits medical marijuana has to offer. "Big Brother" is so afraid people are going to enjoy themselves & have a good time, that it has stood in the way of effective treatment for several medical issues. It seems for no other reason than the basis for those remedies is with marijuana.