What is the alternative name for the garbanzo bean?
Correct answer: Chickpea

Repeat questions are easily explained as targeted toward players new to the game & just beginning play. So what if the same question appears at a higher level. That also can be explained as targeting old codgers like myself who have weak memories. Lighten up about repeat questions.

I love garbanzo beans, especially in my salads!

I love these in a salad I make good fiber The banjo bean I call them

Player #46304857
in Trinidad and Tobago we call it channa

Cat Cha
Guillermo, please allow me to borrow that!

Jenn Natalia
why did the veggies poke the potato in the eyes?... because he was watching the chickpea

Love chick peas. Great source of protein too

Jhonathan, one unfortunate fellow choked to death on garbanzo beans. it was ruled a hummus-cide.🤪

Organic Dude
Player #83925953, I hate them whatever they are called so you can have all of them!

Player #83925953
I love Garbanzo Beans/ Chickpeas, and Hummus is even better. Same pea/bean, but different style of cooking it.

Player #51052385
I love fibre!

have heard them called Chi chi.. or cici beans as well.. as the explanation alludes to.. best enjoyed as hummus

BevKillz, I have heard variations of that incredibly brilliant joke..

What’s the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean?
Trump never had a Russian garbanzo bean on him.

PanhandleGuy, haha

I must have been paying attention to that earlier question!!

Player SQinfoNUTS
DaveGundërsen, I agree with you wholeheartedly.

PanhandleGuy, it's a freebie! no complaints. 😋

James Kingham
fave been is also used for chickpeas in Egypt so question is slightly missleading

1italian, slight hiccup