What is the title of Vincent van Gogh's famous painting of 1885?
Correct answer: The Potato Eaters

Proud to be Dutch!

Player Ejag
To me, Van Gogh is so inspiring! Love his art, such a sad life.

As a Dutchie it would be a disgrace to not know of this

* Seshati *, Being Dutch myself, it's neither pronounced like "goff" nor like "go" but rather a with a Dutch G that lies fairly in the back of the throat. I don't think there is an English equivalent of the sound and even in the Netherlands it is pronounced differently, depending on accent. There is probably a video online somewhere with someone pronouncing it the right way. :)

Player #21374632
Jackie, then put how it is correctly here so people like me can learn from it,,i am an American , hillbilly from beautiful mountains of the Carolinas USA, y’all come to see us when you can,,we,ll sit out by the fire and have a cool drink of homemade white lightning or my red wine.

can I use this as an opportunity to plead with Americans to stop pronouncing his name Van Go. He is not French.

having a bad day on this game today

S, it’s just easier to say Van Go. sound for us American English language, don’t fault us for not being able to speak Dutch, We love Vincent and his wonderful paintings,,,nuff said,, lol

Eliot Garcia
nobody has commented that the picture I see is not the potato eaters by Van Gogh. it's his self-portrait. I got it right because I knew he painted The potato eaters but I find it surprising that they've got the wrong name for the painting.

I have a foreign surname, but I don't pronounce it the "correct" way unless I'm in that country. When speaking English, I think the English versions of names are fine.

Jenn Natalia
Player #25910183, Kh-o-kh in original Dutch

Uninitialized, don't worry, tomorrow is another day.

Tina M.
Player Ejag, I agree. I've read his biography and found it so interesting but also very sad.

Player #21374632, I am from Indiana and I would appreciate to know how to pronounce the last name.

Olddog eh?
Eliot Garcia, totally agree. This painting threw me.

Marie Borg Biss
such a sincere person this Vincent van Gogh ....no wonder he was not appreciated during his lifetime!

Player #25910183
Jackie, the correct pronunciation is closer to Van Goff.

Pototoe eaters, could that be in relation to the Irish?... Think about it

Player #33469755
nice to know! thanks I guess.

Player #12981006
Jackie, Tell us how we should pronounce it. Don't just say how not to!

Player Gigi #28446253
Uninitialized, hate that when that happens!

Player Gigi #28446253
Player #21374632, is that an open invite? 😁

Player Gigi #28446253
S, pronunciation isn't everything as long as we know who and what we are talking about!

Player Gigi #28446253
Fun guy, normal for the time? people seem to forget that history was made in a different time frame and thought process. We cannot expect people from the 16 and 17 hundreds to think and behave as we do now!

Fun guy
' different way of life from ours, civilized people ..' seems a bit pretentious of him, no ?

ReSuReC1985, 👍💪

* Seshati *
Jackie, Not being Dutch myself but have heard it’s a soft Sound a bit like the end of the word ‘off’.

Anth, same here.

Apparently, Vincent Van Goghs trip to Cork in Ireland heavily inspired him to sketch the preliminary picture of people gorging themselves of Potatoes. He later returned to the Netherlands, in order to put Oils to Canvas. Joseph Beckerman a noted Art Scholar from Reims offered 60,000 Franc's , but Vincent wanted to pay his landlord, in lieu of his Rent.