Who founded mormonism?

Correct answer: Joseph Smith

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
I actually thought the correct answer was Brigham Young. This app is very educational and has a lot of good facts on just about everything that you thought you knew.
I only knew the correct answer thanks to South Park. dum dum dum dum dum.
Player #2456261
Player #2456261
Should the fact that he was a charlatan be mentioned? I think so
Birdie, Some of THE best ppl I've ever known!
Player #2867640
Player #2867640
I'd like to thank south park for educating me on the Mormon religion without South Park I would have never got this question right :)
RuralExplorer78921, one of the greatest LIARS of all time!
Birdie, Thank you Birdie for standing up for us. God Bless
Delta_Fox56, Brigham became the leader after the murder of Joseph Smith. LDS member were violently forced to leave IL and Missouri. Young decided to move West and establish Zion. Crossing a large mountain range he looked down on the Salt Lake Valley and declared "This is the place!". There is a monument now placed there.
Player #2688245
Player #2688245
WaldoLydeker, wait, we let men marry men and women marry women and some people marry their pets. How is polygamy controversial?
I'm surrounded by them, living in Utah as I do. Good people for the most part, the LDS (preferred nomenclature over "Mormon") is the fastest growing Christian church in the world.
Teslasgirl66, Christian? they do not help the needy outside of their religion but will take help from anyone.
Don’t be fooled by false prophets. Jesus is the only way to the Father.
kim, it is disgusting how one man’s lies can mislead 17 million.
Player #32542603, If Joseph was a true prophet how could he turn over his deed and prophet duties to his brother? I thought once a true prophet always a true prophet.
Susan D
Susan D
Hairslinger, absolutely! In fact, my great, great grandfather was murdered by them because he refused to marry again after his wife died.
Player #46791793
Player #46791793
Player carol, it is still accepted as divine doctrine. the US government forced the cessation of its practice and teaching when it began seizing the church's assets. this did not happen until the late 1800's and early 1900's which is just over 100 years ago, not 200 years ago.
Player #46791793
Player #46791793
Player #15462500, no the practice did not fully stop until the early 1900's. it was stopped as a result of the US government seizing the church assets.
Player #46791793
Player #46791793
Jo;49, but it is still believed in as a doctrine as the church never changed positions on it, except to cease teaching and practicing it because the US federal government seized its assets.
Player #46791793
Player #46791793
Teslasgirl66, no it is not the fastest growing in the world and is actually declining slightly, when compared to the overall rate of population growth. in other words, the percentage of members of the church in the world overall is DECREASING.
Player #46791793
Player #46791793
JDoe555, actually it s quite easy if you know where to look. the male to female ratio is the key. of course I am speaking from the male side of things. I have two and plan to get two more for the legal limit is 4 in my country.
Snakes in suits and ties.
Player carol
Player carol
Player #2688245, polygamy is not part of LDS.. polygamist are fundamental Mormons ..NOT the same.. they broke off from the church 200 years ago and yet people still believe and spread that lie
ChoctawCharli, ChoctawCharli, Our people (Choctaw) were violently driven out of their lands and dropped in OK. I think so many Americans think that any criticism of American history is like being a "Debbie downer". It is acknowledging our past which we supposed to have learned by. Still learning. WishingHopePeace.
Player #26129643
Player #26129643
Wasn't so sensitive to anti-Mormon prejudice until I had a few friends, and later, having LDS coworkers and two LDS bosses as an adult--in NYC, of all places! When the LDS missionaries approach my door, I treat them with respect and kindness, knowing what I know.
Player #32542603
Player #32542603
IckyEra2, Where did they get that information??? Joseph Smith knew the Bible to be true and the further revelation he received from God the Father to be true. This is personal revelation that everyone can recieve for themselves if asked with a sincere heart and real intent.
Player #32542603
Player #32542603
There are other common misconceptions about the Amish and the Amana Colonies. I have lived in 5 different states and its always amazing to me that people so easily want to believe negative rumors over the truth of different people and what they believe.
Player #32542603
Player #32542603
It is fascinating how many people believe what is being taught on a cartoon TV show??? Joseph Smith was murdered. He, or anyone else who was with him was not armed. This is a fact. Joseph Smith was the Prophet of the restoration of the Church that was organized by our Savior Jesus Christ while he was on the earth. The principles and ordinances are the same. We have had a living prophet since Joseph Smith who continues to guide and direct the true and living gospel today. No, we do not practice polygamy(we did for a short time in the 1800s until it became illegal)Yes, we think and choose for ourselves. Please research these things from reliable resources.
its called The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints not Mormonism and Joseph Smith is NOT the founder. The Lord restored his Gospel to this Earth through Joseph Smith, but he is not the founder.
Delta_Fox56, joseph smith founded the church with revelation from jesus christ.hence the name: church of jesus christ of latter day saints.
Jo;49, Amen, Jo49
( Snail Darter), sorry, Romney is not the face of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
HandyMint, No it was slaughter, the innocent lds leaders were unarmed and murdered.
Player #17688875, you are completely incorrect
Player #18740301
Player #18740301
WaldoLydeker, which is no longer practiced but hey if that’s all you got out of this
Player #18740301
Player #18740301
RancidJockey3073, according to you??? Nah no reason to pick out one to disrespect when there’s 1000s. Name them all
( Snail Darter), he is an exception. not the rule!
Tauney, thank you!
WaldoLydeker, True Mormons do NOT practice polygamy. check your facts..not go by tv shows.
WaldoLydeker, This is actually the most widely believed misconception as it has not been practiced since the early days. I'd also like to point out that many religions and races once practiced multiple marriages, had harems, and even concubines in ancient times. Now it's difficult enough to just find one good partner, let alone more.
Player #15462500
Player #15462500
they no longer practice polygamy it was stopped in early 18 hundreds because they did not like the way the woman were treated they are some of the kindest people you would ever meet