Who discovered the planet Uranus?
Correct answer: William Herschel

Were there other name choices?

Player. Ty
What does Star Trek and Scott Tissue have in common?
Both goes around Uranus looking for Klingons

Way to go

jimmyboy, points are simply your score. the coins are there to buy hints are give you extra time if you need it.

Jaminus Optimus
ScrappyGuy, he originally named it 'George's Star' after the King, but German astrologers later came up with the name Uranus.

Lisa Simone
Just another example of a man and woman working on a project, but only the man is recognised for the achievement. This disrespectful practice has to change.

An interesting fact: The planet, Uranus, is colder than Neptune!

Player #62752956
ScrappyGuy, yes. Uranus narrowly beat out Mypuper. True story.

Good to known this.

player one.five
Always gets a laugh in the middle school classroom.

Player #25874027
Jaminus Optimus,
George the Third was the Mad one .
The German for Nut is Nuss
The star is still named for the King -You’re a Nuss

Nitish Kumar Soni
WaldoLydeker, 🤪🤮

Dianna Bella74
another great guess.

Now, how cool is that?

Player #2618149
Sometimes I don’t even know why or how I checked the correct answer, without help 🤪

Player GayleP ... Since there is no chance of you seeing this, omg are you serious???