What is the longest alliance between two nations still in force today?
Correct answer: The Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of Windsor

Luis Pedro
Player #17611859, do come visit us, we'll be delighted to welcome you. Despite a 19th century dispute on african colonies (we call it Mapa Cor de Rosa event), fact is we were always very grateful to England. Not only helped us defeating Napoleon army, but in 14th century at Aljubarrota battle, english soldiers used their long time experience fighting the french, assisting us defeating Spain, and assure our independence at the time.

Pimpao +
there's still a lot to be discover about the influence

Player #17611859, The treaty was sighed when England was still a Catholic country, it was Henry the eighth desire to divorce that caused the split with Rome in fifteen hundred and something.

Hhh46za, we didn't have the EU for most of the time of this treaty so hopefully it won't be affected!

Guillermo Jr.
if I ever win the lottery.. I am picking up my kid at school and immediately disappearing to Portugal!

Player #39918710
Luis Pedro, have been fortunate enough to visit Portugal on two occasions. A beautiful country with the friendliest and most welcoming people. Obrigada.

so interesting!

Ms Directed
I’ve never heard of any of those! I totally guessed my answer!

by the time ⏲️ and we

Actually I kinda found the trick of this game
The answer is most probably the longest one of the four choices

Player #130715560
the angalo

Player #125843019
SOOTI, and so they should split with Rome, but what as that got to do with this subject

Coralys, it’s not that we don’t get along! It’s just that it’s a bit of a sore spot for us, because several people still think that Portugal is a part of Spain and that we speak Spanish 😅

Knew the answer, because I had the opportunity to visit Portugal and in a tour they told me about this alliance. Actually if you don’t speak Portuguese is better to speak english than spanish. They don’t get along with spanish speaking people.

lolirock and anime lover
i chose the longest word.It works... well most of the times

let's not forget the trade in slaves was easier under this treaty.

that's fascinat8ng!

very interesting as I'm in school this is very helpfull

Purple dolphin
Didn’t know it, I thought it was the treaty of Versailles

wow amazing 🤩

It was also a way to "control" the pirates that were constantly attacking our ships

Very interesting! I didn’t know this! 🙂

Alina, not always but mostly.

King João I was his name

I'm 1/2 Portugese! my gramz is from the Ozark mountains where we had land given to us


I wonder how Brexit will influence this treaty

Pimpao +
of this alliance in World history