In "Star Trek", who originally played Mr. Spock?
Correct answer: Leonard Nimoy

He was the best Vulcan ever. He is greatly missed.

I have always believed that some actors got type cast in rolls because they were so phenomenal at their skills of acting they took the roll they were playing to the level that made fictional character seem real. Nimoy was one of those actors. He is why we love Spock.

I knew him most as the English VA for Master Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts as well as Spock in Star Trek. Really good at what he did and no one can truly replace him. RIP.

Great question. I love Mr. Spock.

Watch the bio For the love of Spock.

Originally makes it sounds as if it was "before" the real actor ....

Look at those suits shown above. Fashion is an interesting thing!

He was good in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".

Prosper & feel free to visit us from beyond.

, I remember everyone trying to do the handsign that went with that saying. I think it's one of those things you can either do or not. I don't know if practice would change it.

Nyxx Sevani
I've always wanted to be a Vulcan!!! He was also in the original Mission Impossible as Paris. Yes, Leonard is great missed!!!

Boston boy! originally from Russia!

ArmedGnome37564, I see Gene Roddenberry, in the brown suit, And all the stars of the original Star Trek, but I don't see William Shatner in the picture!

He was great & is missed greatly.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one.

ArmedGnome37564, He was awesome!

love this show still watch today

He was also on Columbo

Player #66817220
Bop, did you notice he's the only one in there WITHOUT pointy ears?

Player #66817220
Player #3090415, I especially love seeing Nichelle Nichols in there, considering all her efforts to recruit women and people of color for NASA.

Player #66817220
DarkMaitri, no, I got it with practice.

Player #66817220
StationaryStreet4, I may have carried your katra, but I sure couldn't fill your shoes.

Player #66817220
AutumnalConcrete2, point taken, but I love the picture -- Star Trek at NASA!

His song and dance routine about Bilbo Baggins was iconic! Look it up on line.

His son Adam married the actress who played Jadzia Dax on Star Trek: DS9.

James Schenk
He also starred as a Sonarman in a TV episode of "The Silent Service" in the 1950's.

pop2112, you missed out. BILBO BAGGINS!

Gator, he also was a major photographer. he did lots of stuff to keep him satisfied and not type cast

24236, yep i think it was a trick question

trick question,there was only 1 mr.spock

I almost thought this was a trick question!

I recognize the picture it's from when the Space Shuttle Enterprise was christened! I didn't get to go to that my Auntie and Uncle thought it would be boring! I'll never be able to forgive them for that!

Player #26275991
I remember one of his lasy acting roles on Fringe.

I bought his album! NOT

I'm married because of Star Trek! My husband and I met at a Star Trek convention. Almost 34 years ago

Player #19472386
A gifted actor & author of our times.

I'm glad he was able to do Cameos in the most recent Star Trek movies.

thanks Big bang theory

Player #8553765
My Favorite Show Of All Time

JR. Gee
good actor, prosper long live R.I.P