A work by which classical music master inspired Jethro Tull’s “Bourée”?
Correct answer: Johann Sebastian Bach

Heartland Old Guy
Good question. Good reminder that all music is connected. Bach=syncopation. Rock and roll=syncopation. Amazed, though, that rap stars use classical themes as foundations for their compositions.

love love love Ian Anderson and Tull

I knew and liked the JT version for almost 50 years before I learned that it was based on Bach! Still have the vinyl record Stand Up.

Player #9043571
Heartland Old Guy, love the fusion of rock and classical, two of my favourites

Fun guy
so much classical music in rock, you can't like one & dislike the other.

love Jethro tulls version.

Chris RN
Player #49699886, Jethro WHO?

Player #49699886
Love Jethro Till !

inspired? I always thought it was a straight cover

to hard.

Ian Anderson is Andrew Lincoln's father in law. Gigidy