What is the capital of the United States?
Correct answer: Washington, D.C.

I live in Washington...not DC, the State. It is amazing how many people get the two mixed up. There is Washington and there is Washington DC.

My guess is when this game gives easy questions or “all of the above” they are giving us an opportunity to learn something new more than giving a challenge.

if you don't like the questions go somewhere else

Player #9784565
Love how the comments adds to my knowledge too

Player #10051217
My favourite place to visit when there was the Lincoln Memorial. I felt so mesmerized in there. I'm from Australia.

PopularLord, How much fun would it be, if all the questions were ones we already knew?

this question should be geography not tv

Player #7929563
Please tell me no one missed this question!!!

Washington DC is one place I wish to go. I would visit the Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington Monuments and try and get a photo in front of the White House!!

As an American I ought to know that.

Nerak 7
I agree ..I have toured the White House and have been to the Capital and Lincoln Memorial.. it is something that you will never forget. Just walking around the grounds is amazing

Player #9784565, same here

</ is always being New York history is just annoyingly truth

I've heard of Washington DC. That's the place where they can't get along.

Asheika, same

The city is very beautiful 😍

Giggle pig
Built on a swamp, and the swamp remains.

Washington D.C. The only city that was actually built and settled on a swamp...

Southern Sky
Gary, It should have asked where in USA lives the largest pit of Vipers.

Was gonna say Los Angeles. 🤣

Again my hand touch the wrong

Luke, you definitely should go. I gave traveled to many places and LOVE this place! DJ

Player #43226084
PeopleEater, same

I got all geography answers correct,

I think they chose Washington over New York because than New York would've became to big, and popular. Just my opinion

Player #32567393
Player #10051217,
Cozzy 25,
Ah, a fellow Aussie!

Nabarun Biswas
Its a very easy question for me

Player #29996742
Well that was easy.

Barbatos 369
Why did People say New York 😒
i amm very good at it

Im noob - said Albert ♡
Wow , ppl had been giving me wrong info ;-;

ansh winner
killer absh @ ( 1873496) $

ansh winner
ansh winner

ansh winner
ansh 10 10 m

Oop Its Sal
Paradoxos, I agree with you.I noticed the same thing.

D fk teachers never told me that New York isn't the Capital of USA😥😥😥😥😣

my favourite place this

Player #18147023
xdc Inc fefdemir