What part of Europe did the Normans leave to invade England in 1066?
Correct answer: Normandy

I'm pretty sure that there is still rivalry between Britain and France

Laudy Miss Claudy
And that's why the English royal court spoke French.

UltraViolet, Vikings were pagans, not Christians and spoke Danish. England was never conquered by the Danes or the French, which is why the world's foremost language is English

londongirl, yep, Vikings (North men) who settled in the area of France which became known as Normandy

Player #45650177
no, normans from normandy, norsemen are from north

Jumblemania, the Normans were Vikings . men of the North.

Student for life
Player #20920388, after the vikings from Denmark it was the turn of the vikings originally from Sweden!

Which Tyler
Player #30516427, Normandy wasn't part of the kingdom of France back then, but an independent Dukedom

Player #33789131
Jumblemania, for sure just look at brexit

Player #20920388
Vikings 😂

Player Elf Counsel
Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT, IT was. Al's known as the battle of Senlac Hill.

Dragonlady, NO. They spoke Norman. Similar, but different.

sunsetdb7, back home to their old lives.

That's the daftest question yet. They were Normans. They left Normandy. The clue is in the name. PS: They were NOT French. England has NEVER been invaded by the French.

Mstan60, I know right

munro, William of orange with Mary Stuart was asked by Parliament to rule as they didn't want Catholic James.

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
Player #1668114, Because the battle actually happened in a nearby place called Battle. changed because it sounded silly

Player #1668114
sunsetdb7, nobody knows no bodies found in area.

Montana Lady
QuackingTank2311, basically the French