In the film "Taxi Driver", what was the nickname Jodie Foster's character had for Harvey Keitel's character?
Correct answer: Sport

Great movie! I really like Jodie Foster's body of work. She's truly intelligent and a gifted actress/producer/director.

John hinkley Jr. became obsessed with Jodi Foster after seeing this film.. he says it's why he tried to assassinate President Reagan.

Player #48458
Player #3228856, I didn't see the movie but I'm sure the actors did a good job. both of them are great actors. I really always liked jíody foster.

Guillermo Jr.
AwesomeImp90704, please.. this is 2020.. we should be more SENSITIVE!
Instead of "pimp".. the term
"sexual gratification distribution manager" is SO much more PC!

Miss Sue
PsycoCavr88, Yeah, any excuse will do.

Mars V
Guillermo Jr., or love broker

PsycoCavr88, appalling to use this as a potential reason to gain attention by attempting to harm anyone much less a President!

Player #21173880, surprisingly.. the last 10 minutes is very upbeat..

Sushi, What??? wrong movie!!!

bc, i thought it was Dinero?

bc, He played her pimp - just like the question ssys

Harvey Keitel?

Sting Ray 69
I thought the main character was just crazy and a part of the problem of his environment.

Player #3228856
I did not get it