Native to Alaska, the Kodiak is a large species of what?
Correct answer: Bear

Beautiful animal.

Alaska Annie2
Player #533802, The Kodiak bear IS from Alaska. no doubt about it.

Player Tystyx
I've seen them on tv shows an in a Zoo..... they are HUGE!
Put it this way if this Bear( in the wild) comes after you,,,,,you're a meal.

Kodiak is the name of the island this type of bear lives on. In reference to the bear, Kodiak is the type. It’s not a noun in itself. It is equivalent to saying the African when asking about an African elephant.

Player #35917190
"The now extinct California Grizzly" doubt another of mans appalling superiority feats of the extinction of yet another species sharing our earth. Man will always be the cruelest beast on the planet.

hey itz yogi n boo boo

I think that all bears are lovely.

RESIST45, yes I've seen one it was the size a small horse,massive creature. its eyes seemed to glow red in the evening.its claws was as big as a brown bear.its was very fighting to see.

hell yeahh

Lumberjax47, lived on Kodiak Island when my dad was there, during his tenure as an Air Traffic Controller working over on Woody Island.
I was only 9 years old, leaving when I was about 12, moving to Kenai, Alaska, then to Tanana, Alaska. Lived in Alaska collectively for 6 years. Best 6 years of my life! Alaska is beautiful!

Player #35917190, in central Italy we have the marsican bear which is nearly exitinc. because of humans killing them, it's illegal to hunt them or kill them.

The Leonardo DiCaprio movie with a bear was “The Revenant”. I love bears 🐻.

Kodiak is also a national park in alaska

My favourite brown bear subspecies is Grizzly Bear 🐻. I like to see lots of grizzly bears in Alaska especially the Salmon Run.
No wonder the bear 🐻 is one of my favourite North American animals especially Grizzly Bear and American Black Bear even the Sloth Bear is only found in the Indian Subcontinent.

I’ve heard of this bear before! I love reading and watching movies on bears!

Player #137542988
Did not know the Grizzly is now extinct in California-bc of the fires?

great nat Geo docu

Natives know of 2 more in their Traditional Areas

Player #25874027, Native Americans only hunted & killed what they needed, never in excess as the pioneers did, once coming into the plains.
They just about killed off all the Buffalo, but ranchers are making a difference raising & breeding them. They are slowly making a comeback, although I doubt there will ever be the millions that use to roam the plains.

jakeandlinconsmom, That's because it IS a brown bear.

it's been said that a fight between a lion a t

the kodiak bear.

Player #29793410, Thank you. There is no separate Bear species called Brown. There are black, grizzly, and polar bears in N America. "Brown" bears are grizzlies

Smart Kitten
I am so worried for the life of polar bears with the global warming , the glaciers areas where they used to walking are melting Dow very quickly so it’s disappearing and now they have to swim kilometres until finally find another iceberg or Ice areas.

Player #29494788
anybody remember the Leonardo movie where he fights with bear? memorable. name is on tip of tongue.

Gunnar Gunderson
Lumberjax47, yikes!

Player #39605037
So interesting to read about the Kodiak bear! Bears are so impressive, beautiful & at the same time frightening!

m x 777
kodiak bear 🐻
🐨 koa1a bear

Player #43223203
True story,my brother one Christmas was upset he was a teen and when asked why he was sulking he said all I wanted was a bear ,he later found a raccoon and tamed it ,it escaped when she went into heat LoL

Another 😲.

Player #29793410
a brown bear and grizzly bear are the same bears, what sets them apart are demographics.

SOOTI, read bears discover fire

Player #25874027
Their claws are a big as a brown bear?
Wolverine better watch out

Player #25874027
Probably not for want of trying.
You’ve already hunted many of your animals to extinction.
Native Americans too of course

Player #14993519.
Player Tystyx, yes and he don’t play,,,

Sorry there was no photo of this majestic, beautiful animal.