With a top speed of 5 feet an hour, what is the world's slowest fish?
Correct answer: Dwarf Seahorse

Iv'e always loved Sea horses. They are so cute and unique.

Player #3398716
Yes the male carries the babies. National Geographic videoed a brave daddy seahorse birthing 2000 babies :)

Player Elf Counsel
EliteLawyercat57024, My late father in law used to breed them. So pretty.

Player #6852065
not much giddyup in them. lol

Player #3833664
Miss my sea monkeys Look similar to seahorse

Rat Rodder
..."spends most of their time eating and sleeping.."
Kinda reminds me of my ex-wife.

Mario Suedi
Maybe it’s not that they’re slow maybe it’s that they don’t want to leave their area.

One of the most amazing exhibits I have EVER seen was one with sea horses and sea dragons at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It was one of the most magical things I had the privilege to see!!

Rat Rodder, that’s hilarious

Rat Rodder, this is hilarious 😂

When you have no place to go, speed doesn’t matter.

Player #3398716, LOL Human Males please note! 😀

Player #23494842
I didn't think they were fish!

N00bMonkey59221, I sure didn't!

Craftie1, but your life expectancy might not be very long!

CoolHippy30792, it is. There is no "fish".