Which singer and music composer played Cantor Yussel Rabinovitch in the 1980 movie "The Jazz Singer"?
Correct answer: Neil Diamond

Player #5621402
Seen him live several times, a great showman and entertainer. He has sadly now retired from performing due to Parkinson’s Disease. Thank you Neil for the many memories.

truly great singer

Not only a great singer but I bet you've hummed a few of the tunes he wrote but were huts for others.
"I'm a Believer" and "Red, Red Wine" come to mind.

Player #5621402, I'm so bummed for him because I never got to see him perform live and Parkinson's is no fun.

Player #desone
Player #5621402, so sad for him and his family too. Thank you always for my song Desiree. I appreciate the sentiment and beautiful song. love always, from the Desiree. ♥️❣️😘

Beautiful soundtrack!

I saw him twice. so sad he can no longer perform

Chrono Neko
I believe the original Jazz Singer movie (1927 version) was the first talkie, or at least it was according to the movie Singing in the Rain.

Player #6435046
Player #5621402, my all time favorite

I saw Neil at his very peak during his "Hot August Night" tour. He was on fire and had a killer band.

Nerak 7
I saw him in Concert in Chicago in the early 1980s he played for almost 3 hours.. So good.. that song America is getting more play this year … It is such a great song as is all of his songs

Player #120374466
Never seen the Neal Diamond version of the Jazz Singer. I prefered the original.

I Love all of his music. My husband was in the Navy & we were stationed overseas when 'They're coming to America' was released & the guys declared it a new anthem.

Player #52096638
Player #5621402, Yes! I saw him perform once. He put on the greatest live music show I have ever seen! He is one of a kind.

he actually wrote a couple songs for the great rock band
Deep Purple in their early days

Player #2095382
Saw Neil Diamond in live performances six times and they were ALL fantastic.....as for me, “A DIAMOND is forever” ! ❤️

penawareof, one of my favorite sountracks.
Love, "Love on the Rocks"