For how many years was Margaret Thatcher the British Prime Minister?
Correct answer: Eleven

she was a very mixed blessing she broke the unions and killed off our engineering industries and we got a culture of greed and short term profit

Black Widow
Evil woman , ruined this country and we are still reaping her policies now. She was just for the wealthy and sod everyone else 😡

11 years to many!!

Red England
barbit58, ruined this country by changing a lot of peoples view of ‘all pulling together’ & instead encouraged a lot of people to ‘look after no1 & sod everybody else’ that & selling off any virtually all industries that produced anything & encouraging the rich to look down their noses at anyone who worked within those industries & used their skilled to manually create - ironic when u consider she was a greengrocers daughter & started life living in a flat above his shop - l bet he worked hard!

Red England
Thatcher, thatcher the school milk snatcher.

Player #10972326
Player #13329707, she had information we are only privy to now.
Attempts to ban animal milk now we drink soya. We are running out of gas and coal. Creating a larger housing ladder. There was something about her and that was the she didn't have the patience to explain to the average Joe and for this very reason. For someone so evil this is filling holes she tried to fill a long time ago.