Which fruit does Canada export most of?
Correct answer: Blueberry

Player #88648
bunnynogood wild blueberrys are the best

My parents used to make us pick wild blueberries whenever we were on summer holidays. My back still hurts when I think about it, but man her blueberry pies were good!

Player #10639782
yes, the wild berries taste better than the cultivated ones.

Knew that one 'cause I used to go blueberry picking as a youngster in Ontario & especially Quebec. Also raspberries.
Of course I would eat them while picking; raspberries are superior to blueberries according to my tastebuds!

Player #9442102
Player #10639782, love blueberry muffins. Especially if they are warm and have butter.!

Around Portland, OR, where I live, all berries really thrive. Blackberry bushes are so numerous, they are considered to be little more than annoying weeds.

I live in New Brunswick, Canada and they grow wild and free and delicious! ! Just had a blueberry pie the other day. Yum. (You can freeze them).They come in August. Strawberries in Late June and July.😚

Player #9809468
Player #10639782, the low bush blueberries are the best, and are so healthy and sweet.

nimblemoon, I'll trade my dandelions for your blueberries!

Player #9809468, I used to pick them, every summer, a few miles outside of Bellingham, WA. Fun to pick, and so delicious.

Stinky Toad
Suzy, your closer to Mexico than Canada. Transportation costs.

May there be peace on this old rock,theres so much more to do together,Imagine that!

We have a lot of great pick-your-own farms here in Missouri. A great many of them are Blueberry farms.

James, idk, someone's initials, maybe?

Player #9442102, oh yes! those are the yummiest! 😋

We would often vacation in northwestern Ontario when I was a kid. My parents had all of us pick wild blueberries wherever we saw them. Just thinking about picking them makes my back hurt. Mom would freeze the berries after we got home and we would have blueberry pie and muffins all winter long.

Player #10639782, because they're free range

estrange that...l always thought it was cranberry exportation from Canada!?

My sister and I would stop at a pick your own blueberries setup on our way home from Saugatuck, MI.

Ginger, 😉

BansheeAnathema, and vice versa..

Player One
Suzy, I'm from Canada and I still only see blueberries from Mexico too!

Player en_846
it was BlackBerry for awhile, but they dropped the ball. It's all Apple now.

So why are all the blueberries in Colorado from Mexico?

nimblemoon, dang things will cover the whole state if you don't keep them mowed back, but oh, are they ever delicious.

Player #876507
Tibetsy, which ones aren't good

Bill D Maryland, you trying to smoke blackberries? I don't know whole lot about this but I'm sure whatever goes in your pipe needs to be dried out first.

nimblemoon, I may have to visit. When I was a kid, in East US, blackberry grew EVERYwhere. Used to eat gobs of them every summer day. Sigh.

nimblemoon, also a native Oregonian and we have the best berries in the world!

Player songbird28
nimblemoon, Oregon berries are the best in the world!❤

I knew this from the months I lived in Northern Maine. Wild blueberry and wild strawberry picking...PRESERVES!! Yummy.

Bees are not just European