With a Hebrew name meaning “to the skies”, what is the national airline of Israel?
Correct answer: El Al

penguin lover🐧, Yes. Almost all of us serve. Lots of the Pilots are former Israeli Air Force also

I flew to Elat many years ago with my diving gear and on my own. The security procedures were strict and very involved. I didn't mind this, as it was for the safety of all. I couldn't believe it though when we were given stainless steel knives and forks to eat our meals with!!!

Js2510 46
penguin lover, almost all
Israelis serve in the IDF so if the staff is Israeli it is likely they served in the army.

3/5 Black Knight
Elal is a frequent crossword puzzle answer.

Cjrags49, yes indeed, shalom

Are Palestinians allowed on board?!... Maybe to throw them out during a flight.

their airlines is named this I think.

Player #50026251
penguin lover🐧, it's a people's army. almost everyone serves after high school

No hijack may have resulted in casualties, but in 1992 an El AL flight did have a deadly crash in Amsterdam Bijlmer.

Player #Tytruck16
Cjrags49, think again

Hugo, I'm sure the airline will survive without your patronage, but I respect you sticking to your principles.

Player mattster
Cjrags49, shalom I agree.

Missy K, pretty sure she intended to say 'exited' military, or as we would say in the US, retired

Missy K
penguin lover🐧, excited military?

penguin lover🐧
Is it true or rumors that the crew from flight crew to Stewardess & Stewards are excited military? Anyone?