In which modern day country can the ruins of the ancient city of Nineveh be found?

Correct answer: Iraq

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
The city that Jonah was to give God's warning to but ran in the opposite direction and got swallowed by a big fish which spewed him up on the shore at Nineva. Eventually he gave them the message and the city was saved. Always better to listen to God's calling in the first place!
This is where Father Merrin's dig site was in the opening scene of The Exorcist
Loren, yes the fish vomited Jonah onto dry land, however In Jonah chapter 3 Jonah is again instructed to go to Nineveh
Arohanui, yes we know that, but it's nice to have the story of Jonah and the whale surely?
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
Loren, Maybe He Got löst! Since He is a man he did not ask anyone for directions so God Had to help him out somehow.