Who said: "... And that's the way it is"?
Correct answer: Walter Cronkite

Mr. Cronkite was a wonderful news person! His voice was always so calming, even on the bad news days.

Greatly missed by we who had pleasure of watching and hearing him. Indeed, the best there ever was.

Player #4250921
When he reported the news, you could actually count on it as being news

I miss the days when Walter Cronkite was the most trusted man in America.

I remember watching him during the Cuban Missile Crisis and then again when Kennedy was assassinated. It's too bad news today is not of the quality it was then now it's just propaganda

He was very clearly REPORTING the news.
Not MAKING the news - which is what the talking heads do today !
If someone had the guts to start a news channel today and TRULY REPORTED FACTUAL, UNBIASED, NEWS, I think it would be a Great Hit. Most people, I think, want the NEWS, without all the personal embellishments of the reporter!

Player SQinfoNUTS, I can recall when Walter Cronkite gave the live news that Jack Kennedy died. It was the only time in his career that Walter Cronkite seem to have paused together himself. Also, Walter Cronkite and Jack Kennedy were the same age.

I grew up hearing his voice & Paul Harvey

Player Jbean, surely there must be video of him on YouTube that you could watch and experience his iconic voice and style.

Player SQinfoNUTS
MoodyRider40322, indeed he helped us stay calm. I remember when I heard that his last broadcast will be coming up and I made a point of watching it.

doxierescued, He was also bisexual,

Snoopy 3-24
I loved listening to him tell the news stories !! You could understand the pain from the way he told his stories !! He was a great man !!!
Thanks for your kind comments on special events !! ❤️ K snoopy B 4/24

Player SQinfoNUTS, My dad stayed home from work to watch his last broadcast!
Several of the neighbors did also!

remember that well 😉

My grandmother said He can place his slippers under my bed anytime. She died in 1984. I still miss her.

Reerie29, at least we aren't at war or watching the assassination of a beloved president.

Guillermo Jr.
Reerie29, the"news" media has been predicting the imminent demise of humanity since 1967 and the "Domino Theory"..
just a scheme to make $ and get ratings..
I stopped watching 8 years ago..

Player #26167593
Best news reporter. Wish news was reported like his: facts not opinions. I happen to have met him when I worked for CBS. A very nice man.

Player #45505475
Fun fact > Born the same year as Walter Cronkite is Jack Jack Kennedy. Yes, sir.

Ktkk, Lester Holt on CBS does a good job too. He has an even non-judgemental calm way of presenting the news.

If you want news without propaganda listen to NPR.

and everybody today says "It is what it is"

Player #25672957
It didn't happen until Uncle Walter reported it. He was the most trusted person in the country for many years.

Player. Ty
They was Newsworthy Casters, Nowadays their all Comedians,,,, they gotta put their 10 cents in.😞

He was great newsman who injected his own opinion into the commentary with a subtle manner that was noticeable without being overbearing.

Player #11184418
"Pete" Jennings? WTF? The man went by "Peter" Jennings.

he said and that's the way it was. it's news and cannot be present tense unless they're broadcasting from the scene which was rarely done inn those days.

Jonibalony, nope

I believe he said that's the way it was

I remember Cronkite firstly in History class covering WWII

ah...honestly the first thing that comes...pop up into my mind was celine dion...ok