What drug did Sigmund Freud use, indicating that it had good virtues?
Correct answer: Cocaine

wow the things they dont teach you about

Player Tystyx
Deadly Drug,,,,, I know,,,,,30 years clean!🤧😎

Coke a Cola - cola with coke when it was first made

There is one reason to be grateful for cocaine... and that's the dentist's chair. The discovery of cocaine eventually led to novocaine and lidocaine, so we can now get a cavity filled or a have teeth pulled without feeling pain.
*Interesting note- I was told by my dentist that many red heads have a resistance to these drugs, since I'm also difficult to numb. Are there any gingers out there with input on this?

too bad it's addictive

Groovy Rosie
Cocaine will leave anyone homeless penniless if it is used long enough there is no way that it is not additive that’s one big lies unless the person is a user who is enjoying using it then that person is in denial already and will not believe it destroys in the end they have to hit rock bottom to get it sad but true!

WDMichtom, maybe it doesn't have the same effect as it does on others but believe me, I have seen enough ADHD people destroyed by this BS. It's still addictive. Still causes a great deal of damage to their bodies and their minds. Just because it doesn't get them "high" doesn't mean it's not harming them

Sigmund Freud died from mouth cancer secondary to cocaine use.

Player #3662806
IndigoLord12698, Who would have thought Rick James and Freud had something in common?

“Freud never gave up on studying cocaine.” That line made me snort.

Player #3662806, Robert Downey Jr,Tim Allen,both got second chances

schools don't want you to know that they base a lot of things that are taught to you was inspired bya drug addict

Player Tystyx, it’s been 41 years clean for me. The first time you use it, it is phenomenal! You then try to get that feeling again but will NEVER, EVER achieve it. Worst four months of my entire life!!

Nutshell, not a Ginger but near impossible to numb

Nutshell, I was born a redhead, am now auburn, and take twice the dose, which I shrug off, usually just as it's about to get really painful.

Player #2969455
Nutshell, I’m a redhead and I know absolutely that to be true. Had a horrible time during a surgery two years ago because I wasn’t given enough anesthesia.

Player #120374466
addam , Very true hard get to over the addiction
But I hate cannibis, it smells so bad and it causes asthmatic reaction. It's legal to grow in this small town and I suffer
6 months during growing season

Player #120374466
Debbie , Happy for you to overcome it. It's like tobacco addiction. Not easy. A friend avoids coffee because of the association of cigarettes.

Player #120374466
Nanny77, I guess that means that Freud was addicted to cocaine.

Player #120374466
Nutshell, I'm the opposite of you. I overly sensitive to dental anesthetics and I only want a quarter of the normal amount. If I have too much it makes it hard to for several hours.

Player Tystyx, 13 years clean off everything...cocaine and crack cocaine were my d.o.c.

Nutshell, yep. I have the worst time getting numbed by the dentist. 🤦♂️

Montana Lady,
another gateway drug that is legal is tobacco and very addictive

toe jam
If it cured baldness I would say the same thing.

It was given to German soldiers during ww1 and ww2, according to the war documents in history

Player Tystyx, good on you mate! Keep it up!

Waldo Lydeker, wasn’t Sherlock an Opium addict instead???

NickieBags, Coca Cola

I would like to try it one time. However, I would not because I have a fear of addiction.

Also, interestingly, the US Drug Administration classifies cocaine as Schedule 2, meaning some usefulness but highly dangerous for abuse (the same place it ranks meth, morphine, etc). Yet they classify Marijuana as Schedule 1, meaning no value whatsoever and dangerous in any form. In spite of the fact that every state and territory has at least partially legalized it, it is still against federal law to own or use it, no matter what your card says.

Nutshell, That is correct. People of Scottish, Irish, & Norse decent, particularly redheads, have a high tendency to towards resistance to all of the "caine" family of drugs. They are also considered to have a higher pain tolerance and able to "block out" pain more easily than their brunette friends.

Native New Yorker 62
Ioan C., 👍

NickieBags, coke adds "life" 🙂😸

Waldo Lydeker
Cocaine was socially acceptable in the 1880's. Sherlock Holmes indulged. Even newspaper ads featuring the Pope endorsing it! Unbelievable.

TwoTin16, actually, both can be beneficial if used properly, as in dentistry and alcohol in moderation is fine, red wine has cardiovascular benefits.It’s when we abuse anything that it becomes a problem.

Player Highness, bring it back? It never left!

Player Tystyx, congratulations!!22 years for me!

Player Tystyx, good job

I prefer a 7% solution

times has changed my friends cocaine bk then is not coke now. sounds good but. I'll DECLINE on that thought!