Gregor Mendel was the founder of which science?
Correct answer: Genetics

I share his birthday, but in 1959. to bad they didn't recognize him in life.

Player #2429479
nancyinfernley, I studied his work for my horticulture degree, really interesting

Intelligent man he was.

Beverley Australia
Player #5259313, never been to med school, I in fact never got past six grade I’m 72 but I knew that and most of the. Answers Would happen if I had finished School I would. Have been a genius. Actually I feel proud of myself I’m not a dummy

Player #2429479, I really loved the genetics segment of my organic bio class... it's why I chose to show harlequin/mantle Great Danes, I found the genetics of their coat colors to be quite fascinating.

OMG....this guy's pic looks like David Letterman!!!

A true pioneer in genetics.

he also falsified his data and omitted data that just didn't fit..but that worked...interesting

Player #104163439
UltraViolet, I married one of those as well! 🥴

Beverley Australia, As my father always said, education is no substitute for intelligence

DONNA-Indiana Real Lady, I disagree I do think he favors Letterman.

KeeshaB, I live in Letterman's home state & he is slightly older BUT this person does not look like Letterman-in the past or now!

dang it. i did not read all of the choices. when i saw biology, i clicked on it, then genetics appeared

Kiwi Bird
Anyone else get annoyed when they see two blue-eyed parents with a brown-eyed kid on TV?
Bugs me every time.

Player #28172132
Nancyinfernley my birthday is july 8 1959 so not too far away from yours

Player #16491307
Nutshell, I breed foxhounds and use Mendel's techniques for coat color, plus try to figure out best parent crosses for traits in field. Was so interested in genetics I took it as an elective in college.

I've read a whole chapter about his work though I don't like biology much. But it was my compulsion. 🤷

Player #15250081
Nutshell, love my Great Dane!

Trivia titan
"The Gene" book anyone?

So there is this big controversy taking place on the web regarding whether he is even responsible for discovering genetics in the first place. The sides are as follows: those saying he did and those saying that his assistant made all the discoveries. you decide.

I guessed that the picture was a photo and went with the option that seemed the likeliest

Player #9914179
Beverley Australia, we're all proud of you.

Player #7954279
He was Czech tho

Player #4873457
biology of pl a
. be


nancyinfernley, I share your b'day. Except I am one year older.

correct you are.

got luckey on this one!