"Ode to Joy" is the final movement of which Beethoven symphony?
Correct answer: Symphony No. 9
Ode to Joy is the bane of my life as it always reminds me of sawing away at the violin in our school orchestra when I was 12. :-)
Player #8988878Xet
The 1st Rockstar...
swish, When it first was performed, someone had to turn Beethoven to see the applause since he couldn't hear it. Hard to imagine his life 💔
Calabtangan' Boyoyong
I had to guess 9 since it is a final movement, moonlight sonata 3 my fave among Beethoven"s
This was my first question on this level that I answered right.
Player #2745661, And I thought maybe that reference would be missed! Alex DeLarge would be a proud Droog.