What is Brad Pitt's real first name?
Correct answer: William

Player #1160764
Player #1154062, unfortunately neither of them should have gotten involved with one another, since both of them were married at the time.

Player #25874027
William Pitt?
Bit of a turnup for the Book.
Here in the UK William Pitt is a famous name . We had two Prime Ministers of that name. William Pitt the Elder and William Pitt the Younger , who I seem to recall was only 24 when he became PM.
While many of you international players may not know the name , you will certain know of his actions.
He introduced Income Tax

I had the biggest crush on Brad when I was younger! Such a talented, sexy man!! I STILL love him!!

player one.five
check him out in "True Romance", a bit part, but hilarious

Ah that's why his name was Will in Friends??

Didn’t realize his first name is William. I prefer Bradd

Player #3366575
Player #1160764, meet Joe black.

I didn't know he had the same first name as I do.

Money doesn't buy happiness, obviously! I feel bad for celebrities.