'Motor City' is the nickname of which city?
Correct answer: Detroit

Lynn Lynn💛😄
Player #3545337, I live I the heart of Detroit I mean the heart and I am a native Detroit and proud. Hello

Native Michigander. Ford may have not been the first, but he is famous for using the production line to speed up the process. That is his claim to fame. Detroit on up to Flint so ravaged by the decline of the American auto industry there. So sad, especially to those that remember how nice it used to be.

Player #11556793
Tanya, I'm from Flint. It's so sad to see Flint, empty, beautiful houses boarded up. Being burned down. I feel so sad and mad. It was a great city to be proud of, now I want to cry. it's my hometown and. proud to say those words.

Mentioned in the song "Dancing in the Streets". Martha and the Vendellas did the original, David Bowie and Mick Jagger did the cover.

Gary, that was charcoal BRIQUETS - Kingsford, specifically. Charcoal as a fuel has been around for centuries.

JR. Gee
good history

Lynn Lynn💛😄, me too Lynn Lynn, a Detroiter born and raised, and proud of it!!

I'm from Lansing where R. E. Olds created the Oldsmobile and he had a fully functioning internal combustion vehicle before Henry Ford. Ford may have invented the assembly line but actually Olds should have credit for inventing the automobile. Note: Ford also invented charcoal to dispose of the leftover wood from his factory.

I am from Detroit. I was married at what is now known as the Henry Ford Museum.

Ford is the "Manufacturer of the year" in NASCAR this year (2018), Joey Lagonno became the NASCAR champ driving a Ford Fusion Nov. 18th. 2018 and my first car was a 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 302. I wanted the Boss 429 but the dealership couldn't get one.

kronik, Bob Seger is the major Rocker from Detroit with " Motor City Shakedown " I am also from Detroit area - Detroit is the heart of 'ROCK N ROLL' and don't forget Huey Lewis ! DETROIT ROCKS ! ! !

can't help thinking of Ted Nugent. the Motor City Madman.

Is there a Detroit in the south?

Luv this game learning alot

Bjach, That is interesting and way to go with the 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 302.

Gary, Interesting and true.

VibrantSelfishness2, That's cool.

I love my Detroit ❤️❤️❤️

Tanya, Agreed, I am from Flint

My grandson's name is Detroit.. in Honolulu.

Ariana Wilson
Born and raised in Detroit, MI and still living there. Proud to be a Detroit resident!!!

Player #26498596
this is a fun state to visit.

Player Lady Bird
Gary, Ford was innovative in using the assembly line to make his cars. the assembly line was widely used in the food industry already. it is a common misunderstanding because ford did not invent the assembly line.

penawareof, Van Halen did the cover too. 👍✌

Player #9156479
The "motor City south" was deceptive.

ZyggyStardust, mr. stardust look on the back of a 20 lb bag of kingsford charcoal. it explains the story

richbaumel, dude crapped his pants to dodge the draft.

I don't know

Ted Nugent, motor city madhouse.

Whomever "invented" the automobile is a subject that has been & will be debated ad nauseum. The answer is a number of different folks worked on & came up with the final product almost simultaneously. They were folks who stole each others ideas & the end result was a car. Pity in my opinion. We'd be much better off holding the reins behind a horse & wagon.

Player #1111308
He was not the first. Check your History.