Which band was Kurt Cobain the lead singer in?
Correct answer: Nirvana

Montana Lady
He's a member of the 27 club....

It's a shame he revolutionized music in the 90s and wasn't around very long to bask in his glory.

Player #4825099
ExistentialIntuition, Hell. im 60 still and still listen to Nirvana

I'm 40 and still love nirvana

Dark Jedi
People actually choose Def Leppard on this question? Good grief...

What a mess he left behind. His wife was already a mess and after his death, SHE has been a train wreck. Their daughter really does not have a parent. Whether his death was accidental or suicide, his choice will have a ripple effect, possibly for generations.

All the greats went down the same or similar ways( THE 27) that's Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morris all those treasured rock stars died by the age of 27 that is ridiculous

Roger R
Hell has an exit.. Narcotics Anonymous can help anyone stop using drugs

jennycat Of Lionvale
I don’t often make any comments on here but Curt’s music was beautiful and heartfelt and team in a way that is impossible to copy or fake . This world was not ready for a man as put in spirit and honest about his emotions , talented in his words and also blessed with a beautiful voice as this man was born with .

cheesy charlie
Player #4825099, Great music never dies

Cobain didn't want any glory. He wanted to be free of Courtney Love, and free to raise his daughter, Frances Bean. He would have gotten both things in court. That's why he was killed. The "manny" (male nanny) acquired the uncut heroin, Curt injected it, not knowing it hadn't been cut, and (I believe), Courtney Love pulled the trigger.

Incesticide is their best album, and Dave Grohl's grandma was a neighbor of mine, growing up.

Player #146775801
Tiffany, Don't forget Janis

a fantastic singer gone way too soon 😢

Giggle Pig
SparkyChaz2018, generations?? Really? Although entertainers are one step above sports figures in importance in the world, both are still pretty low in events that matter.

Rockity rock rock grunge!

kenny, and exactly why would she do that?

Tiffany, it sure is.

SparkyChaz2018, his wife had him killed. at least that's what a lot of people believe me included.

I shamefully forgot...

so many great ones survived on drugs. 1. We're they great because of drugs? 2. Did they use drugs to handle the stress of being great. 3. Did they use drugs because everyone else used drugs also? So sad.

Makes you wonder if they were taken at "27" for a reson?

he will never be forgotten

Very short lived band

He was murdered. shot 2x

RIP rock god🤘

I hate that I get penalties for knowing the answer but am a bad speller

Roger R, Only if they want help!!! Can't help anyone who doesn't want/feel they need it... 😭

my youngest son's name is Saxton Leo-Cobain

There were more than 3. I still have them on cassette.

Gunnar Gunderson
Player #45186065, I'm going to look into the book; I didn't know he had chronic pain. As a sufferer of fibromyalgia, I'd be interested in his plight.

SparkyChaz2018, it wasn't accidental or suicide. That messy train wreck murdered him. I have no proof but, I believe it with each and every part me.

Dark Jedi, that's impossible, the letters are all wrong!

Guillermo Jr., There's a good documentary called "Soaked in Bleach" that pretty well proves it. I think the male nanny did it. they've proved Kurt couldn't have pulled the trigger of the rifle.

Tiffany, Brian Jones was the first.

penawareof, he would hate to bask in his own glory if he truly did commit suicide it was because he couldn’t stand fame

Guillermo Jr.
SparkyChaz2018, it was neither.. It was murder

Guillermo Jr.
Courtney did it.

Kathy Warrick
Roger R, But could they have kept Courtney from killing him?

Kathy Warrick
ExistentialIntuition, I'm 65 and still love Nirvana!