How is the disease varicella better known?
Correct answer: Chickenpox

Shingles is also the varicella virus. Bad question.

When I was a kid they had chicken pox parties. This way you would get them before you went to school. I didn't need to attend one as I got them from my older brother. No vaccine back then!

shingles is also varicella...

I had chicken pox as a child. not sure why they're named after chickens.

Player #27588236
I had chickenpox too. itchy. wasn't supposed to scratch. Hard not to scratch.

HobbsEagle79, herpes zoster virus/varicella zoster virus, VZV lies dormant near the brain and spinal cord in those ever effected by Chickenpox, other than possible low immune function, there is no known reason that the virus reactivates and produces the blistery lesions of herpes zoster.

HobbsEagle79, not really, shingles is an after problem of chickenpox, it’s later reactivated when in contact with an infected person.

Dontknowabout SHMEEE
HobbsEagle79, shinglepox? I've had it twice

* Seshati *
SniperBrainiac30039, they advise against the old practice of chicken pox parties.

I had heard that shingles are due to ever having varicella/chickenpox, but med journals state shingles as being herpes zoster virus.