On the U.S.TV cartoon show "The Jetsons", what was the name of the company where George Jetson worked?
Correct answer: Spacely's Sprockets

I loved this show as a kid-im amazed at how much has been invented that was part of the Jetsons household!

I love the Jetson's, I'm still waiting for my slick space car.

Hannah Barbera did a movie in the 80s called "The Jetsons meet the Flintstones" where the Jetsons time travel back to the Stone Age. It was fun😀

I liked the TV show because it was a cartoon & I was a child. It didn't put forth any message of great social or political import, but it kept me occupied while Mom was busy in the kitchen or laundry.

Player #928620
One of my favorite cartoon 😎👍🏽

Mr. Trivia Fun
ChampionNymph37634, That is so true; a cartoon it was and we were children, but perhaps the creators foresaw a complicated future. I mean an old guy like myself can not be playing this game to the wee hours of the morning. I live close the worst California freeway, I can not imagine air traffic jams. I see myself like George pressing buttons here and there on my treadmill like his....oh what DO I KNOW? I am just a little old husky Mexican American addicted to this "Trivia Game" PLEASE SOMEONE REPLY TO MY REPLIES...Or are you all like "Rosie" the Robots...Has Siri, Electra, Echo taken...Yes this game keeps me from doing my laundry and my little grandson is getting tired microwaved popcorn, pizza and nachos...Oh the Future does look bleak complicated and perplexing...Come on all let me know what you think?

Player #5554324
ZUP, as a child, thought that was the car of our future. too bad, so sad

don't forget Astro.

Player #13087862
Mr. Trivia Fun, to the kids of today, the future is predictable. For us oldies, the "Jetson future" is now and wow can it be confusing!

one of my favorite

Player #118063961, The name was Elroy

Player #118063961
Tony, daughter, Judy, Jane, his wife

mammy1027, absolutely right they had things 61 years ago we still don't have,somebody back then definitely could envision the future

Meet George Jetson, and his boy Elroy, Jane his wife...

Mr. Trivia Fun, Do you know what day is George Jetson's Birthday? Lol

Capt Jack
how could you forget Astro? or Rastro

haha 😄 that's my favorite cartoon 🤣


Joyous one
Rubenovyk, yes the Flintstones

I'm Frosty
Mr. Trivia Fun, I think you are right..but you need to join Quizzland Anonymous! It is hard to break the habit...I play too much too....

Player #38618593
In the 60s this was wild science fiction. Now roombas clean the floor, cars park themselves and my phone can open my front door from anywhere in the world.

Player #49101312
put down the phone and play with the grandkids. teach em to cook, teach em history that you learned from this game. teach em how to get along with other kids, watch sponge bob with em. have fun too.

Player #49101312
Mr. Trivia Fun, put down that phone and play with the grandkids. teach em to cook. teach em how to get aling with other kids, and teach em trivi

My all time fav cartoon. @ZUP I'm waiting also!

I'm your huckleberry
Mr. Trivia Fun, just hang on for one more day my brother, your going to be fine

Mr. Trivia Fun, you're funny!

Player #26129643
My friends and I growing up watched TV shows and talked about them a lot. Our conclusion, at age 11, was that the Jetsons was a space-age modifications of the Flintstones, which in turn we thought of as a cartoon version of Jackie Gleason's "The Honeymooners." We might've not been right, but we thought about it. It was the 70s and there was no Google, so we guessed.

used to love the bird walking around on the ground because it was the only safe place..

I dated Judy Jetson for 6 months. She was out of this world, but too possessive for my taste.

Player #25071102
I really did love this show when I were a kid

Zoom technology is similar to communication in this cartoon. We've come a long way in a short time.

KL Hickman
One of my fave cartoons #80sBaby

Player #13594721
mammy1027, always knew one day we would be like the Jetsons... I just wonder will I be alive to experience it...

Mr. Trivia Fun, I'm tired of plastic food. Real food, made from scratch is so much tastier and better for you. That frozen stuff is legally allowed to be sold with cockroach pieces in it. Ugh!

I first saw that phone in the Jetsons, then at Epcot Center close to Disney World in Florida in 1983, but now I can talk and see my friends around the world on my own Android phone! If you can imagine it, it can come to be. I believe the technology that made this possible came from Israel.

Echo Equani
I wouldn't be surprised if they invent cars like this in the future.

Mr. Trivia Fun, i think you are having a good life!

Player #Mysterious
Used to love this show as a kid.