Widely believed to have been murdered, which American labor union leader disappeared in July 1975?
Correct answer: Jimmy Hoffa

Does anyone else find it ironic that his middle name is Riddle? He death is like a riddle we cannot seem to solve

shorty ok any one wonder how come after he was gone they started getting the mafia . I think he was in protective custody and was spilling the beans on the bad guys

Montana Lady
presco2201, that would make the structure unstable and wouldn't hold up over time, eventually exposing the body... not the best plan.
I wouldn't expect an organization like the mob to use anything other than cremation to dispose of a body they never wanted found.

play with fire, you get burned

Player #10205552
Did anyone see the Irishman?

Check out the Clinton's

DiabolicalJoker25653, Richard Kuklinski, also known as the Ice Man, was a hit man for the magic. In prison he said they waylaid Hoffa at his car, shot him, dumped him in the trunk and crushed the car. They put it on a pile of scrap metal being sent to Japan.

Vina Vandervierf
they could also have taken his body to a hog farm and dumped in in with all the hogs.
The hogs will eat it all including the bones. read about hogs do this sometime ago..

a mafia Hitman that was arrested in the eighties claimed that he "hit" Hoffa and put the body in an oil drum and in the trunk of a car that was crushed and shipped to China.

very well "spoken" and interesting. thanks

Vina Vandervierf, Oh, my word! I'll have 2 remember that! What a great way 2 get rid of someone!! Then there's always cut them up and grill them. like they did in "Fried green tomatoes"!! LOL

Lionessa, did you ever hear of cars, trucks,planes

Player #107329121, You think Hoffa died of a heart attack, and then, what? buried himself? People don't die of natural causes and then fall off the face of the earth.

Tim McGraw, They threw Hoffa's body in the desert? I've lived in America all my life, and I had no idea there was a desert in New York.

I don’t like Labor Unions from the 1960’s on. They use thug tactics to keep their members in line when going on a strike and even if someone doesn’t belong to the Union they attack them as well when on strike. That aside. They are no different than the companies owners they work for. When it comes time to renegotiate the contract the company will give them their offer. If the union doesn’t like it they go on strike which can last from weeks to months and then they make a deal. In the end the workers get ran over by losing their pay for that time period and really end up worse than if they had taken what the company offered in the first place. Meanwhile the company hasn’t lost anything because they just sell off the excess products they had. I know this because I was a member of the International Aerospace Workers Union back in the 1970’s and 1980’s.

It's ironic that such a terrible man was born on Valentines Day. It's also ironic that Ruchard Nixon, a crook himself, pardoned Jimmy Hoffa, also a crook.


veloubanjo, his body is gone.

Buzzfeed Unsolved helped me answer this.

Mr. Monk
Player #107329121, No guarantee he’s buried somewhere deep in concrete

Player #107329121
Player #94103631, maybe he just died of natural causes and was never whacked?

Adumpster76, you say China. Someone else said Japan

Vina Vandervierf, oddly, I watched a man detail the eating habits of pigs abd boars today and stated they eat whatever because of a parasitic need. Interesting

Fossil5465, hey Fossil5465 one of my best buds Richard is his uncle.

Player #95826827
how that is a hard qweston

Ronald Dobson
the aliens have taken him

Vic, The fishes!😄

Vina Vandervierf, very well known activity in Hawaii

Player #14878994, fed to the fish is what I heard many years ago,

I think the Union people killed him.
Just a thought...

Montana Lady, fish bait works too

CharmingTriangle9219, Now that would make sense to me,,It could be,,,,

Zakiyyah Ameerah Mateen
He had to have been murdered , Hoffa was too power hungry to walk away from the Teamsters.

Fossil5465.. It's a shame Kuklinski isn't still alive, I'd love to meet him.

Uninitialized, was my neighbor was the person who drove him to his final destination. Not a mystery whete I am from.

One of the Mafia guys owned a mortuary and a crematorium. One plus one equals two.

The Old Guy
the case has been solved . he was shot by Frank (Irishman) Sheehan and his body immediately cremated. it was a mob hit

Player #35970029
Tim McGraw, in the desert you cant remember his name 🎤🎵🎶

He demanded way to much his way or the highway. An that's what he got, the scenic route.

I have heard he was buried at one of the old stadium's. Don't know how true it is though.