Sean Penn married which pop star in 1985?

Correct answer: Madonna

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What people think about it: 20 Comments
I think it must be hard to have cameras in your face all the time. I don't condone violence in any circumstance.
Player #118197
Player #118197
doxierescued, Sean has had anger issues with a short temper, but he deserves a lot of credit for his altruistic efforts in Haiti and after hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and the Gulf states.
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
Isn't Penn the actor who met with El Chapo while he was on the run?
Player #118197
Player #118197
SlowGuacamole73561, l agree...they were a fiery combination...marriage was doomed from the start. But l have to say...Sean is a very good actor.
I was surprised the information didn't talk about Penn's many humanitarian efforts.
Regina Beasley
Regina Beasley
doxierescued, celebrities like their privacy also but som fans are obsessed like the guy who killed John Lennon and Selena was murdered by her fan club manager and a few other celebrities were murdered by crazed fans . There’s a polite way to ask a celebrity to either take a photo or sign an autograph for you . That’s why they have bodyguards with them all the time
this is ancient history. sean penn is a good actor. madonna needs to work on her act.
brucefan1984, we all can use some improvements and we all fall short of things also. Positive improvement is through Jesus.
Mars V
Mars V
If you watch Little House on the Prairie, season one, episode 12, The Voice of Tinker Jones, you will see little kid Sean Penn as an extra in a lot of scenes.
Humanitarian or not, he has a brooding, dangerous look from the given photo. Madonna deserved better and, true to abused women, she let her love (founded in emotion) cloud her judgment.
Montana Lady, yes he most certainly is that actor.
Player #18390045
Player #18390045
Player #14966232, Sean was not a lier, but an abuser, but has done many humanitarian things in all parts of this world, a good man with heart, God bless him!
I like her tunes an seen her in concert.
Player #14966232
Player #14966232
Dave Robb, or visa versa...i mean, to be honest, women are not immune to being destroyed by a lying man, wich is often the case just as much.
Player #Millie
Player #Millie
Player #8862400, lol
Player #16412298
Player #16412298
so what
Player #15395067
Player #15395067
I love I like the game so much it’s really cool really really really really really really fun I love it so much you like it do you like it to Lala Lucy mom is going to roll blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah it’s really funny thing about
Player #15395067
Player #15395067
Montage of the year It’s It’s hard to guess all these things and stuff like that but this is really interesting and I love this game so much my brother plays it to give you a lot of information my mom says and stuff like that it’s really cool and I like it so much thanks
Player #9088187
Player #9088187
Montana Lady