Which Eastern European language is close to Italian and Spanish?
Correct answer: Romanian

Player karisma
I'm Romanian and proud of it 😍 it's amazing how surrounded by slavic countries we still have managed to preserve our identity.

PBAlice54, I learn a great deal of information from this quiz

Player #4142589
tinabobina, Transilvania/Ardeal is a Province or Territory within Romania. The Province has exchanged hands between Hungary, Romania, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and back again to Romania and was under the U.S.S.R. until 1989 when the last remnants of Communism within the country were dismantled. Up to this day you can see Germanic, Hungaric, Slavic, Ottoman and Roman influences all throughout the country. It's a gorgeous place with a rich Historic background.

This is why romanian people can learn easily spanish or italian language! Multumesc! Thank you in romanian!!!

Player #19237182
I picked up bits of Romanian whilst traveling around with the Circus. it is in my opinion the most beautiful language.

I just love that Romania is part of this quiz


tinabobina, Transylvania is a region in Romania

Player #11560712
Player #4142589, Romania was not under USSR until 1988.... Romania was a communist country but not under URSS... please correct your historical information

Player xyz
there is no serbo-croat language any more. it existed only while yugoslavia lasted

Player #92723922
Romanian is one of the 5 "Romance" languages, which all come from Roman (Latin) roots. So Roman-ian is a clue.

Mars V
Player karisma, I don’t understand all the thumbs down. What’s the problem with Romanians?!

I worked for a Romanian and when I saw a letter she was writing I thought it was in Latin!

When I got my BA in Spanish they made us take a second language and Romanian was one they suggested based on its similarities. I was lazy and took Italian because I already knew some. I wish now I had taken Romanian because it appears from the answer here it’s even closer to Latin than Spanish. 👍

Player #4142589, about the sea teoritory which Romania won it from Ukraine after 2000 it was artound 10.000km²

Player #4142589, all your information are fake...Untill 1859 Romania was dived in 3 countrie, one of thrm Transilvania made part from Austro-Hungarian Empire until 1918 , when Romania was for the first time an unite country untill 1939 and after WW II Transilvania and a small part of Moldova retuned to Romania, but the huge part of Moldavia from 1812 untill 1918 made part from Russian Empire and again after 1939 untill 1991, when Moldova become an independ country, but also a part of Moldova din not return to Romania or Moldova but remained part to Ukraine Basarabia region with the main town Cernauti a kind of Basarabia capitalor. In 1945 Russia returned a huge part of Transilvania from Hunngary to Romania. After 2000 we won from Ukraraine at interniatiol Court of Justice arround 1000.00km²²

Player karisma, praiseworthy!!!

Just a small part of Dacia was occupied by the Romans. In the rest of Dacia lived free dacians.

JP, ...before the Iron Curtain 😜. Romania was a Monarchy. 4 Kings: Carol I , Ferdinand, Carol II, Michael I.

I love how sweet the people in this comment section are about Romania!

Player karisma, same

Awesome 👍🏻

Player #11560712, who ruled Romania during the years before the Velvet Resolution

am proud romanian

Player #45505475
History + geography = llanguage

Serbo-Croat is not a language.

Player #4142589, Romania was never under the USSR !
keep that in your mind .

Player #19729569
Say hello to Count Dracula for me!

Player #17305956
Player karisma, no mention of Hungarian ?

Player karisma, that may be but you are still surrounded, hahaaa

Player karisma, so what ye have european countries plagued with the evil ye possess

Miss C
Lord_Bumfluff, what an unusual wish!

Player. Ty
I've noticed in the pass a lot of the Romanian Last name are spelled like Italian Names.😎

L'ex Jock
FriedKnight28642, same here, I like trivia and this is better thanks to the information they provide

I am Bulgarian and I know that Romanians still using many Bulgarian words. But in general, our languages are very different.

Saint Nine
Player #326446, I did too, but the similarity of Romanian to Roman and Romance was a clue.

Saint Nine
Sonicgirl, Day-Go? Is that the same as dago (an offensive term for Italians, apologies). Western European languages, with the exception of Basque, which doesn't bear any resemblance to any other language, are split into two groups: the Latin root romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, along with a few dialects such as Catalan) and the Latin root Germanic languages (German, English, Dutch and the Scandinavian languages), so my guess would be around 100 million.