What type of particle is formed when two or more atoms are chemically bonded together?
Correct answer: Molecule

A compound is two elements chemically bonded together. This is a bad question and an equally bad answer.

Compund is also a correct answer.

The others are correct. Throw this terrible question out.

Poorly written question and two answers could be correct

Player #31753367
So pleased I took attention when watching Young Sheldon 😄

Cindy, Compund doesn't have to be chemically bounded, it can be a suspetion of molecules that don't have direct strong chemical interactions between them...

This is bone-headedness at it's most severe: quickly pressed "Ion" while looking at & deciding
on "Molecule"...riggin fracken!!!

The Lost Apothecary
This was the most interesting clue!

entropy wins
Cindy, l totally agree (B Sc Chemistry failed,)