Which famous musician from the band The Monkees made a cameo appearance on The Brady Bunch in 1971?
Correct answer: Davy Jones

nanajudy1259, It is Peter Tork. It was shortened from Torkleson or something simular to that. I was a teeny bopper in those years. I was a closet "Monkee fan." I knew they were not the Beatles and I felt the Monkees were not cool. Now I appreciate the Monkees for who they were. I am not ashamed to sing a long, out loud, and in front of anyone!!!

He took Marcia to the dance.

Player Tystyx
Had to be.... A 1970s teenage girls heart throb?

Player #3772077
Sorry guys. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brady were widowed.

why don't I see all the comments anymore??? I see tell us, I have no idea what the conversation is!

breeze4658, dolenz could sing the best crooners sing with the best rock and rollers.and their harmonies were excellent!

The Beatles threw a party for the Monkees when they came to England in 1967, and actually became friends, working on various projects.

Davy was co-lead singer along with Mickey.

:(Nancy E):
KookyOrangutan5005, most of the controversial ones are deleted before I get there.

Player #120374466
KookyOrangutan5005, I have noticed this issue as well. A disconnected conversation coming from somewhere.

I saw them in the mid 90s, then, I got to see Mike and Micky right before Mike died, then just Micky doing a tribute to the Monkees last year.

Robert Reed, who portrayed the adoring father, Mike Brady, was a gay man,in the closet in real life. Life must-have been very complicated for him during that era.

I miss Davy, he was my favorite.

I remember that! Marcia invited him to perform at the prom, but had to scheme her way of getting him there.

Player #3772077, thank you! I thought I remembered it that way.

I remember that one like it was yesterday! I still like the Brady's an watch the re-runs.

Player #22757214
Player #8553765, not by a long shot!

Player #5100533
HEY! HEY! They're the Monkeys, They're to BUSY singing, to put anybody DOWN.....

breeze4658, about time

Diver Dan, yeah he went from being a sweet guy to a real smart alec. He bought a farm in Bucks County Pennsylvania. It's very close to where I live. He was pulled over for speeding and said to the officer **you can't give me a ticket officer I'm a monkey**I'm not sure what the officer said in reply to that.

Diver Dan, that makes sense. I wonder what caused him to balloon up and look so puffy. Alcohol will do that.

Player #3772077
nanajudy1259, nope, you're wrong. it's Tork

nanajudy1259, It is Peter Tork