The Never Summer Mountains are found in which US State?
Correct answer: Colorado

I've lived in Coorado my entire life and have been all over the mountains. I have never heard of the Never Summer Mountains! And, if course, got it wrong!

Player Peña Power
I love my home in Colorado. Our mountains are magnificent.

the mountain shown is Mount Rainer, in Washington.

I am from Colorado born and bred and I got it wrong. There are so many mountains here, I have lived here for 43 years and have only seen 1%

Player El Cid
Love Rocky Mountain National Park! One of the most beautiful areas of the US

Montana Lady
It's wild that the continental dive makes a loop there. I guess the inner runoff must feed into a river that leads out... while the outer runoff feeds a different river? Curious.
I cross the continental divide here in Montana a few times a month, but nothing near so complex... just sketchy mountain roads in the winter.

ArmedYeti3391, yes! i was born there and the first thought i had when i saw the pic was 'ooh! a Washington question!" Ha!

Player Renee
I live in Estes Park co. the gate way to rocky mountain National Park. hike the never summers cuz is less busy

Born and raised in Colorado…60 some years, and also Never heard of the Never Summer Mountains.

Player #123495549
scattering56, Me, too!

scattering56, same here!!!

scattering56, I have been all through Colorado including the area that the description says these mountains are located in and I've never heard of them either

scattering56, me too! I have lived here in Colorado for 32yrs and have never heard of these mountains.

Player #119992937
scattering56, Commonly called Never Summer Wilderness, we've been known to wear snowpants camping in July up by Bakers Pass. A beautiful rugged area.

Darn it! Born and raised in CO, visited Trail Ridge Road many times. Until today, I had not heard the term Never Summer Mountains.

scattering56, ditto. I've lived there and never heard of them. it's amazing what you can learn from this game

The picture you are showing is actually Mt Rainier!! In Washington state!!!

scattering56, RIGHT?!! I was born here and have never heard them called that.

scattering56, Same here. Fourteen years. Drove Trail Ridge Rd and hiked RMNP. Never had I heard that phrase; just "The Fourteeners."

scattering56, same! Never heard of them. 🤷🏼♀️

Cee Cee
scattering56, Nope, they are to the west as you're heading towards Grand Lake.
Great hiking

scattering56, I was wrong too. I guessed Hawaii.

scattering56, me too! 🙄

My brother in laws company is "Never Summer Landscaping"

ArmedYeti3391, Thought that looked familiar. I knew it wasn't Colorado.

SweetPea37, I grew up by Mt sopris

KM, I live on the western slope also.

Vickie Apel
I didn't know this but it was the only state that was a logical answer

i lived in Colorado for 14 years. i loved another Mt. it was named, "Old man mountain."

scattering56, Don't feel bad, I live on the Western Slope and I never heard of them!

I lived in Colorado for 26 years and have never heard of the Never Summer mountains must be something a flatlander made up

They never say why it's called Never Summer----! Covered in snow year round, I presume?

Player #34570694
Player Renee, you are so lucky!! I have been there a few times and fall in love all over again each time!! my son is right down the road in Boulder

scattering56, same here.

Player #29179073
We had our family reunion in the rocky mountains. It was so beautiful. We had decent mountains in Vermont, but nothing like Colorado.

The "mile high state" baby! 😀

I love Colorado. Lived here since 79', but the altitude is starting to wear on my health. Not good for my Asthma ... Have to look at the Mountains from a far. How boring is that. My family goes up there alot to rent cabins while I have to stay home 😞