Which is the third largest city on the island of Ireland, after Dublin and Belfast?
Correct answer: Cork

Player. Ty
My family rented a house outside of Dublin in the early 70s for a couple of months. Rented a V.W.Van and traveled the whole Country. North and South- East and West every County including the Arrann Islands. Fond memories.🍀😎

As Corkonians say
Cork is the middle of the Universe. :D

Rory Gallagher 🎸

* Seshati *
Player #17768400, it’s all a matter of opinion there matey

seanieG eire/kreta
andy1962, saw him live a couple of times

Player #31753367
Player #19422400, would it be true that many in Cork are Welsh with strong arms and rowing boats ?

Player #19422400
Cork was called the Rebel County by Henry VII because they sent two pretenders durin his reign. (They did support the House of York during the same period, but so did Ireland in general.)

Player #25874027
Sounds like they’ve removed few too many corks to think that