The largest encirclement of troops in history is said to have taken place during which WWII battle of 1941?
Correct answer: First Battle of Kiev

Player #5602826
I feel people always underestimate how much of the war was fought in Eastern Europe. Never before in human history had there been such carnage in so concentrated an area.

ChewyGazelle68623, I do not know why people are so greedy. But I do know one thing and it's this... some people are not happy unless they're making someone else miserable.

War is EVIL!

Player #19942154
My heart bleeds for those who lost their lives defending their home and family behind rich men's wars. Families separated and forever changed.The fact that this is happening right now in the world is truly devastating.

Player #5602826, Sadly in March 2022-history is repeating itself for the European breadbasket area. Shame on Putin!

And look what’s going on in Kiev now?!!

why are people so greedy! You have a country so just be happy living in it!!

William, hopefully this madness stops soon, what Russia is doing begers belief

the Russian Army lost more men in that one battle than the US did in the whole war

The Russians eventually got their own back but like the German army before them the atrocities they committed against civilians was barbaric particularly towards women, in war no one wins

Player #5602826, until the invasion of the Gaza Strip...

Player #31753367
William, Sadly again Man's inhumanity, Greed ? 😔

Player #5602826, 25 million people

Player #25874027
I think it had the weather to defend it . As Napoleon also found out

SQinfoNUTS, yh

Player #13495380
Hello war for peace creates sadness then hardships.

Player #3366575
SQinfoNUTS, yes there are psychological and verbal bullies. they throw up a red flag to me. toxic relationships result.