What type of government does Oman have?
Correct answer: Sultanate

That would be a dictatorship with a very nice wardrobe, right?

No weapons formed ag
I live and work in Oman, it is a beautiful and tolerant place to work. The previous Sultan passed away recently and he brought about great changes for Oman. He lead his country for 49 peaceful and prosperous year's.

Player #15294530
SQinfoNUTS, call it what you want but in Oman wages are same for men and women...there is no difference in payment based on gender, but in some democratic and developed states of EU there are...so, still want to call it a dictatorship!?

the best country in middle East, I lived there for a while

Probably most free and liberal Gulf state.

then wouldn't it be a monarchy? it's right in the description

rayvan, Oman is not part of the UAE.

millwallmarty, so how does that make it “liberal”? Am reminded of the 1981 album title track “The Visitors” by ABBA.

* Seshati *
SparklyAlliance43927, I think the names are different but meaning is one & the same.

How GB of

great info !