What is the name of the skin fold of the upper eyelid?
Correct answer: Epicanthic fold
Reno, neither did I but really, I should have known, because every physical feature has a proper name. It's logical that anatomically, everything has a descriptive term.. A medical book can't really refer to an obscure part of the body as a thingamagig or a whatsitsname, I guess!
I find geological physiology fascinating. Real examples of evolution.
Laudy Miss Claudy
The native Bushman of Southern Africa also have an epicanthic fold in their eyelids.
Laudy Miss Claudy, so true because my family originates from west africa and i have that epicanthic fold as well..
Player #29765907
medically most prominent in trisomy 21 which was once referred to as mongolism or mongoloid features
Maggie Mae
Laudy Miss Claudy, They mention the Khoisan.
I've been wanting to see a doctor because it looks like fat on my eyelids
Harry Ceeword
I wish they'd leave ones folds out of it.