What is the name of the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before?
Correct answer: Déjà vu

Aussie Sheila
I remember dreaming of a situation as a child, and the exact situation happened in my adult life. This has happened several times. It's weird.

Player #5621402
Weird when this happens. No explanation.

I'm sure I've seen this question before!

Player #8237347
I used to have a lot of dejavu when younger and also very short detailed dreams. I noticed, as soon as you speak and identify of a dejavu 'coming on', it can take a different direction/course, changing what I feel, hear or see at the point. Hard to explain.. I manage to do something similar in my dreams, where I can control the outcome whether it's a good or bad dream. Now that I'm older and have children of my own, they have been few and far but my eldest daughter is experiencing something similar mainly with dreams. I've always been curious about this but never found much info or others alike. I kept these things underwraps because I didn't want to be labeled as a nutcase or vilified by people who don't understand.

Player #8073326
Eastern religions claim deja Vu is a flashback from a previous life.

My only deja vu experience puzzled me until I remembered that I had dreamt about the scene in front of me. Psychic dreams?

Player #3342123
this is deja
..swear I answer this prior.

Player #10933825
Player #8237347, it's called lucid dreaming. there are books and it's very interesting!

I have what the doctors call a "seizure disorder", and I usually have episodes of deja vu prior to having a seizure. This indicates to me that it's physiological in nature.

I'm sure I've seen this question before!

little b
I've not got bbgh

Nerak 7
Looks like we all had this one time or another

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #8237347, in "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!", Richard Feynman describes teaching himself to dream lucidly for a class project.

" Deja Vu all over again " Yogi Berra

Deja vus happen when for a short amount of time two dimensions cross. It's nothing spooky, as we do live in a multidimensional universe after all. Most of us just aren't aware of it yet.

That staircase conforms to the Golden Spiral. Interesting subject.

Had this happen plenty in my teens and early 20's,usually over something fleeting or mundane.Although,I did smoke a lot of weed back then.

in my opinion, déjà vu is the reflection of our dreams in a real life in whole or particular experience

I don't know if it's normal but I experience this a lot. At first my family took it lightly until it happens frequently. I don't like it...

Player #80683518
thanks i" hardly no English

Player #13216014
Beryl that was a warning from God , telling you to pray for your dad and ask Gods protection over him

Now I know. Thanks!

Been there, done that!

Player #8073326, I believe that aswel

Jamais Vu is the exact opposite of deja vu.

I had a deja vu experience when I was thirteen. there is no way that I was in the place before. I've also have had dreams of events happening and it happened a few days after. freaky.

JumpinJac, that's actually called 'jamais vu' (French for 'never seen'). Also there's 'presque vu'

I remember having a number of deja vu moments in my childhood, but when I grew older I haven't had a single one.

Player #49104467
ChampionNymph37634, exact same thing happens to me! It's pretty scary when you feel it coming on and you want to go deeper into the feeling, then that's when the seizure happens.

It has happened to me numerous times.

Rob Tanui
I've had real dejavus where I know everything that's gonna happen in next few minutes, it's so scary

Holy Kow!! No Dr ever said a thing to me about that many years ago. Every time I had a "Deja Vu," I had a seizure. Glad to say I haven't had either for a long time now.

explain this, l had a dream that my late dad had an accident, 2 days later ,he did???

Player #3138816
Player #8237347,
I think it’s called “ labile dreaming “, where you can influence the outcome of a dream while you are still dreaming.

Mike T
I'm sure I've had this question before? Weird!

I swear this happened to me before

Player #16557787, What's it called when you feel "this has NEVER happened before?" Vu Ja De :-)

Player #8237347, you've described exactly what I used to have!!! I miss it.

the picture is taken at the entrance of Vatican Museum

Darwin Eirene
presque vu is tip of the young condition